As You Like It
Swapan Chakravorty (Ed.)
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

This edition of As You Like It is an annotated text with detailed notes on the play from different angles. It has a general introduction by the series editor and an introduction to the play by the editor of the book, marking the place of the play in Shakespeare’s dramatic career. There is also a detailed summary of each scene at the beginning of each scene so that the student will get a clear idea of the development of the plot structure. There is also an elaborate discussion of the different strands of thought and ideas in the play in the introduction. There are line references, explanations and commentary which will enable the student to master the play. Cross-references which have been added on at all relevant points give the student a holistic view of the play. There is a list of further reading and a list of topics for discussion at the end of the edition.

Swapan Chakravorty (1954–2021) was Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore Distinguished University Professor in the Humanities, Presidency University and was former Director-General, National Library of India, Kolkata. An alumnus of Presidency College, Kolkata and Jadavpur University, he obtained his D. Phil. from the University of Oxford. He joined the English Department at Jadavpur University in 1985 and was Head from 2005 to 2007. He was also Joint Director, School of Cultural Texts and Records.

Professor Chakravorty was a reputed scholar of Shakespeare studies. He was a contributory editor of The Oxford Middleton  (2007). His published work includes Society and Politics in the Plays of Thomas Middleton  (1996), Print Areas: Book History in India  (2004 co-edited with Abhijit Gupta), Nameless Recognition: The Impact of Rabindranath Tagore on Other Indian Literatures  (2012, edited); New Word Order: Transnational Themes in the History of the Book  (2011, edited with Abhijit Gupta); and Movable Type: Book History in India  (2008, edited with Abhijit Gupta).  Professor Chakravorty also wrote in Bangla and edited Mudraner Sanskriti O Bangla Boi (2007).

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