English Grammar Practice
Raj N Bakshi
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE combines explanations of grammar points and practice exercises in a single volume. It

  • is an excellent practice book on English grammar for first year college students, senior secondary students and students preparing for competitive examinations
  • can be used as a textbook in class or for self-study
  • covers a complete range of grammar items/structures like word classes, phrases, clauses, simple and complex sentences, tenses, prepositions, active and passive sentences, direct and indirect speech, etc.
  • has simple and easy explanations of each grammar point with illustrations to support the explanation
  • has a large number of graded exercises for practice: elementary exercises which develop the confidence of a student in using English, intermediate exercises to further consolidate the confidence and improve the competence of a student and advanced exercises to make a student use English effectively
  • acts as a link between the correct use of sentences and connected discourse

Raj N Bakshi was formerly Director, Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Regional Centre, Lucknow and then a member of the visiting faculty at the Universities of Taiz and Aden in Yemen. At present, he is on the faculty at the Regional Centre, Lucknow. He has been involved in the teaching of English for more than three decades. In his long career, he has been both a teacher and a teacher-trainer, a writer and an administrator. Other books by him include A Course in English Grammar.

  1. Simple sentences 1
  2. Simple sentences 2
  3. Countable, uncountable and proper nouns
  4. Countable and uncountable nouns
  5. Possessive, gender and collective nouns
  6. Articles
  7. The definite article and the zero article
  8. Some, any, a lot of, (a) little, (a) few
  9. Main verbs
  10. Auxiliary verbs
  11. 'Be' and 'have' and modal auxiliaries
  12. The simple present and present continuous tenses
  13. The simple past and the present perfect tenses
  14. The present perfect continuous tense
  15. The past continuous tense
  16. The past perfect and past perfect continuous tenses
  17. Expressing future time 1
  18. Expressing future time 2
  19. Negatives
  20. Some more negatives
  21. Yes-no questions
  22. Wh-questions
  23. Question tags
  24. Adjectives and their order
  25. Degrees of adjectives
  26. Participle adjectives and functions of adjectives
  27. Adverbs 1
  28. Adverbs 2
  29. Adverbs 3
  30. Modal verbs 1
  31. Modal verbs 2
    Ability, permission, offers and invitations
  32. Modal verbs 3
    Possibility, requests and suggestions
  33. Modal verbs 4
    Necessity and obligation
  34. Complex sentences
  35. Noun clauses t
  36. Noun clauses 2
  37. Relative clauses
  38. Relative clauses 2
  39. Adverbial clauses 1
  40. Adverbial clauses 2
  41. Infinitive
  42. Gerunds I
  43. Gerunds 2
  44. Infinitives or gerunds
  45. Direct and indirect speech 1
  46. Direct and indirect speech 2
  47. Direct and indirect speech 3
  48. Active and passive voice 1
  49. Active and passive voice 2
  50. Active and passive voice 3
  51. Prepositions I
  52. Prepositions 2
  53. Prepositions 3
  54. Phrasal verbs
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