Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is one of the immortal favourites in fiction. Lauded time and again by critics and writers alike, the novel is one of the best of Jane Austen's work. 'A miniature painted on two inches of ivory' as Charlotte Bronte called it, the work represents the limited world of the eighteenth-century English countryside with the rural gentry as the central focus. The world as depicted here is a small one, but typical: it is peopled by ordinary men and women totally absorbed with news of the neighbourhood, exchanging visits, attending balls and dances, getting their daughters married to the most eligible bachelors and wearing the best clothes possible on occasions. It is a simple and peaceful attitude to life, and Jane Austen captures it all, in the best language possible. Difficult to forget, the book captivates us by the sharpness of wit and dialogue. This edition is an abridged version of the original classic, and it is hoped that when students read this, they would be drawn to the original and not only this one, but also the rest of Jane Austen's fiction.