Re-imagining India and Other Essays
Institute of Social Sciences (Ed.)
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

Re-imagining India and Other Essays brings together a collection of writings that originated from annual lectures, organised at the Institute of Social Sciences, by leading economists, political and legal thinkers, sociologists, linguists and historians. Addressing a diverse array of themes, the essays are bound by a common thread—concern for humanity.

This volume explores a wide range of issues as varied as—need for basic education, poverty, human development index, self-employment over wage employment, the apartheid regime in South Africa, the role of democracy in counter-striking terrorism, the function of multiculturalism in preserving solidarity of a nation, the rise of Hindutva and its ideological implications, and the relevance of Gandhian and Nehruvian ideals in shaping of modern India.

Commemorating well-known economist Professor D. T. Lakdawala’s contributions in the contemporary context, the scholars emphasise on the need to replace profit maximisation by profit-making and social returns. As the global economy struggles with an unprecedented recession—which has led to millions becoming unemployed and small investors and pensioners losing their life-long savings—the contributors underline the importance of revisiting the social-political-ideological structure, which largely shapes our policy making.

The Pasts of All Possible Futures
A Foreword by Ashis Nandy
A Note from the Chairman, Institute of Social Sciences
U. R. Ananthamurthy Preface
  1. Beyond Liberalisation: Social Opportunity and Human Capability Amartya Sen
  2. Human Development Paradigm for South Asia Mahbub ul Haq
  3. Towards Creating a Poverty-Free World Muhammad Yunus
  4. Post-Apartheid South Africa: Truth, Reconciliation and Justice Albie Sachs
  5. Peering into the Abyss of the Future Noam Chomsky
  6. Re-imagining India Bhikhu Parekh
  7. The Future of the Indian Past Romila Thapar
  8. The Idea of India as an Ideal: Can Our Dreams Come True? I. G. Patel
  9. The Nation-State in the Global Age Anthony Giddens
  10. Crises Today and the Future of Capitalism Joseph Stiglitz
The Contributors
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