Itihas-Lekh: Ek Pathyapustak
E. Sreedharan
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

This is the Hindi edition of A textbook of Historiography by E Sreedharan published by us.

This book traces the development of historiography from the days of Herodotus to those of postmodernism. It covers the ancient, medieval and the modern aspects of the subject and offers easy comprehension, clear and precise guidance and immediate utility.

The author provides a balanced view of competing ideas and leads the reader into vast arena of the subject. Two thousand five hundred years of historiography, including Indian historiography and the poststructuralist critique of history, constitute this clear, analytical work.

Written lucidly and in jargon free language,Itihas-Lekh: ek pathyapustak: 500BC se san 2000 tak should be of interest not only to the serious students and the teachers but to anyone interested in this subject.

The book is appended with bibliographical details, reference and notes rarely available elsewhere. Though the subject is complex, yet the elaborate Index help readers to locate required information, as the book is full of names, places, events, documents and several other rarely available sources.

E. Sreedharan is both a teacher and a lover of history. This is amply evident in philosophical, religious, scientific, ideological and linguistic perspectives he brings in to lend credence to this work, which attempts to contain between its covers of the history of history of 2500 years. He is currently working on A manual Of Historical Research Methodology.

  1. Prarabhikayein (Preliminaries)
  2. Unani Itihas-lekh  (Greek Historiography)
  3. Madhyayugeen Esaie Itihas-lekh (Medieval Christian Historiography)
  4. Itihas-lekh par punarjagran ka prabhav (The impact of the renaissance on historiography)
  5. 18vi sadi ka gyanoday aur Iska Itihas- lekh par prabhav (Eighteenth century enlightenment & its  influence on Historiography)
  6. Tarkvad ke virodh mein swachandtavad ki pratikriya (The romantic reaction against rationalism)
  7. Swachandtavadi- rastrvadi-sahityik Itihas-lekh (Romantic-nationalist-literary Historiography)
  8. Itihas mein pratyakswad: August comte, Henry Thomas Buckle & Karl Mar (Positivism in history: August comte, Henry Thomas Buckle & Karl Marx)
  9. Bisavin shatabdi- I  (The twentieth century I)
  10. Bisavin shatabdi- II  (The twentieth century II)
  11. Itihas ko adhunikotarvad ki chunauti  (Postmodernist challenge to history)
  12. Pracheen Bhartiya Itihas-lekh  (Ancient Indian Historiography)
  13. Madhyakaleen indo-muslim Itihas-lekh (Medieval Indo-Muslim Historiography)
  14. Bhart shastra aur Bhartiya Itihas ka punarodhar(Indology and the recovery of Indian History)
  15. Bhartiya rastavadi Itihas-lekh (Indian nationalist Historiography)
  16. Marxvadi Charan  (The Marxist phase)
Professor E Sreedharan, former Reader, Department of History, Kerala University passed away (on 2 August 2020) at his residence at Indira Nagar, Peroorkada, near Trivandrum.
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