Environment, Technology and Development: Critical and Subversive Essays
Rohan D’Souza
158 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

Drawn from the  rich archival holdings of the Economic and Political Weekly, theessays in this volume capture the intense discussions in India that were debated as problems and questions over the environment, technology and development. As a collection, this volume proposes a fresh and new analytical coherence for these essays by resituating  them with an engaging  introduction under the broader themes of criticality and subversion. Consequently, these writings will speak not only to several contemporary academic and policy concerns but are also meant to provide a meaningful sense of how ideas on the environment, technology and development were interrelated and shaped in various types of political discourses in India, most notably from the 1970s onwards.

This volume is intended to address the needs of a rapidly growing interest in interdisciplinary programmes and will also carry appeal amongst development and policy practitioners and those who wish to pursue interdisciplinary research questions.

Rohan D’Souza is Assistant Professor, Centre for Studies in Science Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

List of Tables, Figures and Maps
Rohan D’Souza

Section I
Stories for Our Time: Technology as the Anti-Hero
1. Safety First?
Kaiga and Other Nuclear Stories
M. V. Ramana and Ashwin Kumar
2. A Biotechnology Story
Notes from India
Shiv Visvanathan and Chandrika Parmar
3. Overfishing along Kerala Coast
Causes and Consequences
John Kurien and T. R. Thankappan Achari

Section II
Development Solutions become Political Questions
4. Desalination in Chennai
What About the Poor and the Environment?
Gregor Meerganz von Medeazza
5. Eucalyptus
Mahasveta Devi
6. ‘Other Side’ of New Industrialisation
G. Vijay

Section III
Rewiring Technology to Debate Justice and Equity
7. Sustainable Transport Systems
Linkages between Environmental Issues, Public Transport, Non-Motorised Transport and Safety
Dinesh Mohan and Geetam Tiwari
8. The Global Warming Regime after 2012
Towards a New Focus
Philippe Cullet
9. Political Architecture of India’s Technology System for Solar Energy
Barbara Harriss-White, Sunali Rohra and Nigel Singh

Section IV
Rethinking Agriculture as Ecological Relationships
10. Agricultural Development and Ecological Degradation
An Analytical Framework
C. H. Hanumantha Rao
11. Real Estate and Agricultural Wetlands in Kerala
P. P. Nikhil Raj and P. A. Azeez
12. Peri-Urban Agriculture and Aquaculture
Rahul Gupta and Sumita Gupta Gangopadhyay

Section V
Livelihoods versus Lifestyles
13. Big Dams, Big Floods
On Predatory Development
Hiren Gohain
14. Amusement Parks versus People’s Livelihood
Arundhuti Roy Choudhury
15. Technological Alternatives and the Indian Energy Crisis
Amulya Kumar N. Reddy and K. Krishna Prasad

Section VI
Space against Place: Eliminating Locality
16. Dwelling on Morichjhanpi
When Tigers Became ‘Citizens’, Refugees ‘Tiger-Food’
Annu Jalais
17. Drinking Water Crisis in Kutch
A Natural Phenomenon?
Charul Bharwada and Vinay Mahajan
18. Emerging Cityscapes and Environmental Issues
Sudha Srivastava and Dipti Mukherji
19. Mine Now, Mine Forever?
Manshi Asher

Section VII
Environment, Technology and Development: Towards the Big Questions
20. Political Economy of Ecology Movements
Jayanta Bandyopadhyay and Vandana Shiva
21. Energy Policy for Rural India
Arjun Makhijani
22. Poverty, Environment, Development
A View from Gandhi’s Window
L. C. Jain

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