The English Romantic Poets: An Anthology
Pramod K. Nayar
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

The English Romantic Poets: An Anthology is a rare collection in that it includes representative poems of both the canonical and the non-canonical poets. Therefore, while there is poetry by Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats and Shelley, there is also the work of Anna Lætitia Barbauld, Sydney Owenson and Anna Seward. This anthology also features political poetry about the slave trade, the state of the colonial Empire, industrialisation and labour strifes, and contemporary political debates.

Pramod K. Nayar teaches at the Department of English, the University of Hyderabad, India. His most recent books include Digital Cool: Life in the Age of New Media (Orient BlackSwan 2012), Colonial Voices: The Discourses of Empire (2012), Writing Wrongs: The Cultural Construction of Human Rights in India (2012), States of Sentiment: Exploring the Cultures of Emotion (Orient BlackSwan 2011), Postcolonialism (2010) and Packaging Life: Cultures of the Everyday (2009). He is also the editor of English Poetry 1660–1780: An Anthology (EFL-U and Orient BlackSwan 2010), English Poetry from the Elizabethans to the Restoration: An Anthology (Orient BlackSwan 2012) and the forthcoming English Romantic Poetry: An Anthology (Orient BlackSwan). When tired of the very literary, he also publishes essays on superhero comics.

The English Romantics: An Annotated Timeline
1. Anna Lætitia Barbauld
Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq.
2. Hannah More
The Sorrows of Yamba, or the Negro Woman’s Lamentation
Sensibility: a Poetical Epistle to the Hon. Mrs Boscawen
3. Anna Seward
Chill’d by Unkind HONORA’s Alter’d Eye To the Right Honourable Lady Eleanor Butler with the Same Present
While One Sere Leaf, that Parting Autumn Yields
Behold that Tree, in Autumn’s Dim Decay
4. William Blake
Auguries of Innocence
From Songsof Innocence
The Divine Image
The School Boy
The Chimney Sweeper
The Little Black Boy
Holy Thursday
From Songsof Experience
The Clod and the Pebble
The Sick Rose
Holy Thursday
The Tyger
The Human Abstract
The Earth’s Answer
Ah! Sunflower
5. Joanna Baillie
A Mother to Her Waking Infant
6. Ann Batten Cristall
Song: On Leaving the Country Early in the Spring
7. Amelia Alderson Opie
On the Approach of Autumn
Ode to Borrowdale in Cumberland
Song of a Hindustani Girl
The Negro Boy’s Tale
8. William Wordsworth
Simon Lee, the Old Huntsman
A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud
Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood
Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a
Tour, July 13, 1798
Upon Westminster Bridge
London, 1802
Three Years She Grew in Sun and Shower
The Solitary Reaper
The Old Cumberland Beggar
My Heart Leaps Up
The Reverie of Poor Susan
The World is too Much with Us
9. Walter Scott
A Serenade
MacGregor’s Gathering
10. Charlotte Byrne (née King)
The Female Philosopher
The Poor Negro Sadi
11. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
This Lime-tree Bower, My Prison, A Poem
On the Prospect of Establishing a Pantisocracy in America
Dejection: An Ode
Frost at Midnight
Kubla Khan: A Vision in Fragments
Ode to Tranquility
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Fears in Solitude. Written April 1798, During the Alarms of an Invasion
12. Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan
The Boudoir
13. Robert Southey
Poems on the Slave Trade: Sonnet I
Poems on the Slave Trade: Sonnet VI
To the Genius of Africa
14. George Gordon, Lord Byron
On Chillon
She Walks in Beauty
When We Two Parted
15. Percy Bysshe Shelley
England in 1819
Ode to the West Wind
Ode to a Skylark
Hymn to Intellectual Beauty
The Masque of Anarchy
16. Felicia Hemans
The Indian City
Indian Woman’s Death Song
17. John Clare
The Village Minstrel (Extracts)
18. John Keats
Ode to Psyche
On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer
Ode on Melancholy
La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Ode to a Nightingale
To Autumn
19. Letitia Elizabeth Landon
A Suttee
A Child Screening a Dove from a Hawk. By Stewardson
On an Engraving of Hindoo Temples
The Nizam’s Daughter

Index: Theme-based List of Poems

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