Aaj ka Bharat: Rajneeti aur Samaj
Basuki Nath Choudhary and Yuvraj Kumar (Eds.)
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan
  • Aaj ka Bharat: Rajniti aur Samaj is a syllabus based undergraduate textbook for the ‘Contemporary India paper[Samkaleen Bharat paper]’ of University of Delhi.  This is one of the papers of the first Semester of Foundation course of BA Program of  Delhi University. This is a paper for 100 marks credit at this level.
  • The chapters have been contributed by the faculty members of political science and sociology of various affiliated colleges of Delhi University.
  • The book discusses the various issues pertaining to the Society and Politics in   Contemporary  India as. It covers under this broad head the following:
    1. Social issues like social mobility and emergence of new social forces: movements of  Dalits, OBCs, Tribals and Women and also the debate on their representation and social justice in India.
    2. The book also includes  a chapter on Secularism, Communalism and Minority rights in India which analyses the political aspects such as democracy and functioning of parliamentary system; Indian federalism and democratic  decentralization; changing character of public administration and corporate governance in India; and India’s foreign policy in post cold war era.
      Thus, the book provides a complete insight into the situation of current India.
  • The book will be equally useful for the undergraduate courses in political science of other Indian universities of Hindi speaking states in the country.
  • This book will be equally useful for the aspirants of UPSC and allied civil services. It must be promoted equally well in the IAS coaching institutes.

Dr Basuki Nath Chaudhary is Associate  Professor of Political Science, PG DAV College [evening], University of Delhi. He has experience of teaching this subject now over 25 years .

Dr Yuvraj Kumar, UGC Post-Doctoral fellow of Political Science, University of Delhi. A Ph.D in Political Science, he taught for seven years to undergraduate students in Satyawati College [DU] before he joined the department in the university in his current affiliation.

  1. Bharat mein Vyavsayik Sanrachna evm Samajik  Gatisheelata ki Pravriti [Trends in Occupational Structure and Social Mobility]
  2. Nai Samajik Shaktiyon ka Uday: Dalit, Janjatiyan evm anya pichada varg Andolan [Dalit, Tribal and  OBCs movements in India]
  3. Samkaleen Bharatiya Mahila  Andolan [Women Movements in India]
  4. Bharat mein Loktantra evm Sansadiya Vyavstha [Democracy and Parliamentary System in India]
  5. Bharat mein Daleeye Vyavastha [Party System in India}
  6. Bharat mein Dharmnirpekshata, Saampradaayikta, Alpsankhyak Adhikaar aur Raashtravad se Sambandit Samkaleen Vivad  [Secularism, Communalism and the Minority Rights in India; Contemporary Debate on Nationalism in India]
  7. Bharatitya Sangh evm loktantrik Vikendrikaran  [Indian Federalism and Democratic Decentarlization]
  8. Lok Prashasan ka Badalta Swaroop evm Bharat mein Nigamanaatmak Shasan
    [Changing Character of Public Administration and Corporate Governance in India]
  9. Uttar Sheetyuddh Kaal ke Vaishavik Ranneetik Vatavaran mein Bharat ki Suraksha aur Videsh Niti [India in Global Strategic Environment, Security and Foreign Policy in post Cold War Era]
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