The History of Education in Modern India, 1757-2012
Suresh Chandra Ghosh
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

The History of Education in Modern India 1757–2012, presents an overview of the education system in India from its colonial beginnings through Independence till the present day. It examines crucial issues that have shaped India’s education system, like the introduction of English education, the Education Despatch of 1854, the genesis of Curzon’s university reform of 1899–1905, and the education policy of post-Independence India.

In addition, this fourth, revised edition includes the latest discussions and debates around the major changes planned for and already implemented in the education sector, including the recommendations of the National Knowledge Commission, the Yashpal Committee Report on the functioning of bodies in higher and technical education, and enactment of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. These are analysed against the background of the huge socioeconomic and political changes brought about in post-liberalisation India.

Meticulously researched and lucidly written by a leading authority on the subject, this book is essential reading for students at the graduate and postgraduate levels and anyone with an interest in the history and present state of education in India.

Suresh Chandra Ghosh is a former member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Paedagogica Historica, Belgium. He held the Chair of History of Education at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, till 2002, and was a Guest Professor at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, known for its association with Goethe, Hegel and Marx.

Preface to the Fourth Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition

1. Introduction
2. The East India Company’s Role in the Development of Education in India
3. Towards Education in the English Medium
4. The Decade after 1835
5. Education in the Presidencies: Bombay, Madras and the North-Western Provinces
6. Missionaries and Enlightened Indians
7. The Age of Dalhousie, 1848–1856
8. Expansion of Education till 1882
9. The Hunter Commission
10. Developments in the Post-Hunter Commission Years 100
11. Towards a Control of Higher Education
12. The Age of Curzon, 1899–1905
13. National Education till 1912
14. Government of India Resolution on Indian Education
15. The Calcutta University Commission
16. Education under Dyarchy
17. Education under Provincial Autonomy
18. Towards a National Policy on Education
19. The Critical Years
20. A Post-Mortem till 1999
21. Education in the New Millennium
22. A Journey Towards Literacy
23. The Winds of Change
24. A Retrospection Since 1999
25. A Summing Up


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