Rajnitik Samajshastra: Ekkisvin sadi ke Badalte Sandharbh mein (Hindi)
L N Sharma and K Murari
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

Rajnitik Samajshasta is a textbook of Political Sociology.

The book is aimed for postgraduate courses in political science across north Indian universities, but the undergraduate students of Political Science and Sociology will be the maximum takers of this book, because this subject is also covered in UG syllabus of sociology and political science. This book covers all the latest development in the field of political sociology. This book will also be useful for the students of competitive examinations [who opt political science, history and sociology].

A very well written book, it discusses philosophical and sociological background of political sociology, emergence of political sociology, definition, scope and development of political sociology, difference between political sociology and sociology of politics, and relevance of political sociology. This also discusses the approaches in political Sociology: behaviouralism and structuralism; systems, approach and structural-functional approach and also Marxist and historical approach. The elite theory of political power and the condition of deprived sections has also been covered in this book. The book deals with concepts of influence, power, authority and legitimacy; Politicisation of social stratum[forces]: caste: origin and evolution, representative politics and caste system; class: Marxist approach, Weberian approach and functional approach; religion, communalism, co-existence of multi-culturalism and secularism; Indian politics and problem of ethnicity; Indian politics and problem of linguistic groups.

Also covered in the book are: new social movements related to feminism, child development, elderly persons and the society, dalits, the development of minorities, and the environment; the group theory of politics, analysis of the group theory, and interest groups in India. Political parties and political system.

The book has chapters on Modernization, political development and political culture :  bureaucracy, society and politics in the context of the 21st century, Political  socialization, political participation, public opinion, electoral behavior, strengthening of people’s powers and secularization, political communication, political conflict and revolution and regional integration in south Asia – all described from political sociological perspective.

L N Sharma is formerly, Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, Patna University. He has over 44 years of experience in teaching political Science to undergraduate and post graduate students. He has written several books amongst which Political Sociology: A Grammar of Politics has been published by Universities Press [India] Private Limited some 30 years ago.

Krishna Murari is currently teaching Political Science in Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi. He has co-authored Bharatiya Samvidhan, Loktantra, Evam Shasan Vyavastha with Professor M P Singh. He has published articles, papers and reviews in various political science books, journals and seminar proceedings [in English and Hindi]. 

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