Azadi ki Kahani
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

This book is the Hindi version of the book India Wins Freedom published by Orient Blackswan.This is a first-hand autobiographical account of the story of independence of India achieved in 1947 as told to us by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first Minister of Education of Independent India - one of the makers of modern India. He tells the story of the partition of India as never before, with intimate knowledge and feeling.

The full text of this autobiographical narrative was confined, under seal, in the National Library, Calcutta, and in the National Archives, New Delhi, for thirty years. What we now have is the complete text, released in September 1988, by a court directive. 

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (1888–1958) was a senior leader of the Indian National Congress, and became its President in 1923. A vocal supporter of nonviolence, he promoted the use of swadeshi products and agitated for Swaraj. Through India’s struggle for Independence, Azad worked tirelessly for secularism as well as Hindu–Muslim unity. In 1920, Azad was elected to the committee that was set up to establish the Jamia Milia Islamia at Aligarh. He helped to shift the campus to Delhi in 1934. Azad became the first Minister of Education in Independent India’s government and held the post until his death in 1958.

  1. Congress ne Baagdor Sambhaali (Congess took the charge of the government)
  2. Europe mein Mahaayudh ( World war in Europe)
  3. Mein Congress ka Adhyaksh Bana  (I became the Congress President)
  4. Ek Cheeni Antraal  (A Chinese interval)
  5. Cripps Mission  (Cripps Mission)
  6. Baichaini  ka Daur  (The era of restlessness)
  7. Bharat Chhodo  (Quit India)
  8. Ahmad Nagar Kile  ki Jail  (the Prison of Ahmad Nagar Fort)
  9. Shimla Sammeaen (Simla Conference)
  10. Aam Chunav (General elections)
  11. British Mantrimandaliye Mission (British Cabinet mission)
  12. Vibhaajan ki Bhumika (Role of partition)
  13. Antarim Sarkar (interim Government)
  14. Mountbatten Mission (Mountbatten Mission)
  15. Ek Sapne ka Ant (End of a Dream)
  16. Vibhaajit Hindustan  (a Divided India)
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