Rashtravaad ka Bhaaratnama : Bharat mein Upniveshvaad aur Raashtravaad
Abhay Prasad Singh
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

Rashtravaad ka Bharatnama : Bharat mein Upniveshvaad aur Rashtravaad  is aimed for the students of Choice based Credit System (CBCS) course semester 5 under ‘Discipline Specific Elective’-4 (DSE) 5. of BA Hons political science.  The purpose of this book is to help students understand historically the advent of colonialism in India and the emergence of the discourse on nationalism as a response to it. The aim is to engage with theoretical explanations of colonialism and nationalism in India at the same time study the social, political and institutional practices that unfolded in that period, gradually paving way towards independence and democracy in India. This is a core textbook on the nationalism, which will help students  to  understand the complexity  of the subject.

The introduction of the book covers the latest debate on nationalism, which is taking place at national as well as  international levels.

The Foreword of the book is written by Professor Mahendra Prasad Singh, Ex-Head, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, an an authority on the subect.  

The four Appendices of the book include :  I. bibliography; II. Important personalities of the National Movement; III. Glossary;  IV. A chronology of events related to colonialism in India given as a ready reckoner.

Abhay Prasad Singh is MA, Ph D from Delhi University. He is currently Senior Assistant Professor, Political Science department, PG DAV College, University of Delhi. He has been teaching the subject for nearly fifteen years now. He taught PG students in Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for 2 years; to PG students at the Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi; and also taught in Shyam Lal college, University of Delhi for some years before he joined . He is a member of Commission for Scientific & Technical Terminology, MHRD, Government of India; He was a Fellow with Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti(GSDS) from 2000-2002.

Foreword by Mahendra Prasad Singh

  1. Rashtra ki Sankalpana-I : Shastriya Granthon mein(Concept of nation in classical text)

  2. Rashtra ki Sankalpana-II : Boudhh Granthon mein(Concept of nation in Buddhist  text)

  3. Rashtra ki Sankalpana-III: Bhartiya Sahitya mein(Concept of nation in Indian literature)

  4. Rashtra ki Sankalpana-IV : Aitihaski Anusheelan mein (Concept of nation in historical perspective)

  5. Rashtravaad ke Vibhinn Upaagam Bharat ke Sandarbh mein( Various approaches of nationalism in the Indian context]

  6. Bharat mein Angrezon ka Aagaman : Aupinveshik Shasan ki Shuruaat (Advent of  the Britishers in India: the beginning of a colonial rule)

  7. Aupinveshik Bharat mein Aarthik evm Saamajik Vyavastha (the Economic and social system in colonial India)

  8. British Shasan ka Udyog aur Vyapaar par Prabhaav (Impact of the British rule on industries and trade)

  9. Angrezon ka Sabhyataakaran Mission (Civilising mission of  the Britishers)

  10. British Bharat mein Janagananna ( The Census in British India)

  11. Raashtriya Aandolan mein Mahilayon ki Bhumika ( Role of women in the national movement)

  12. Aupniveshik Shiksha, Nav Madhyam Varg v Naagrikataa  ( Colonial education, new middle calss and citizenship)

  13. Krishak, Janjaatiya tatha Mazdoor Aandolan ( Peasants, tribal and labour movements)

  14. 1857 ka Vidroh ( The 1857 Rebellion)

  15. Raashtrya Punarjaagran : Saamajik aur Dhaarmik Sudhaar Aandolan ( National renaissance: social and religious movements)

  16. Raashtriya Aandolan ke Vibhinn Charan ( Various stages of the national movement)

  17. Mahatma Gandhi aur Raashtriya Janaandolan (Mahatma Gandhi and the national movement)

  18. Raashtravaadi Aandolan: Samaajvaadi Vikalp ( National movement: socialist alternative)

  19. Bharatiya Raashtra: Jaatigat Chetna (Indian nation : caste consciousness)

  20. Bharatiya Rajniti mein Saampradaayiktaa : Dwirashtra Siddhant aur Vibhaajan ( Communalism in Indian politics: two nation theory and the partition)

Smaraniya Vyaktitva
Paaribhaashik Shabdaavali (Glossary)
Pramukh Ghatnaons ka Vivaran

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