Strength of Materials
B S Basavarajaiah, P Mahadevappa
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

The behaviour of materials when subjected to different types of loads is of basic interest to engineers. This book, developed for an introductory course on strength of materials for engineering and architecture courses, provides a comprehensive coverage of the concepts and principles of mechanics of materials in clear and easy-to-understand language. Students will appreciate the large number of worked-out examples and exercises that have been included to give them an exposure to a variety of situations requiring analysis of systems for their strength under stress.

Special Features:

  1. The subject matter is presented in a simple and lucid language.
  2. Each chapter deals precisely with definitions, analysis, derivations and applications.
  3. A large number of worked-out examples incorporating a variety of problems and exercises.
B S Basavarajaiah was professor and head of the department of civil engineering at KREC, Surathkal for 18 years and principal of the same college for 5 years. He has extensive experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students, and has been a consultant to several prestigious civil engineering projects. P Mahadevappa was professor of civil engineering at KREC, Surathkal. He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate students and guided students in their M Tech thesis.
1. Simple Stresses and Strains 1.1 Definition 1.2 Elasticity 1.3 Hooke’s Law 1.4 Stress–Strain Diagram 1.5 Factor of Safety 1.6 State of Simple Shear 1.7 Modulus of Rigidity (Shear Modulus) 1.8 Bulk Modulus 1.9 Poisson’s Ratio 1.10 Relation between the Modulus of Rigidity and Young’s Modulus of Elasticity and the Bulk Modulus 1.11 Bars of Varying Sections 1.12 Stresses due to Self Weight 1.13 Compound Bars 1.14 Temperature Stresses 1.15 Strain Energy Exercise problems 2. Compound Stresses and Strains 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Stresses on an Inclined Plane 2.3 Element Subjected to Two Normal Stresses 2.4 Ellipse of Stress 2.5 General Two-Dimensional Stress System 2.6 Principal Stresses and Principal Planes 2.7 Mohr’s Circle of Stress 2.8 Analysis of Strain 2.9 Mohr’s Strain Circle 2.10 Strain Rosettes Exercise problems 3. Bending Moments and Shearing Forces 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Beam 3.3 Types of Loads 3.4 Shear Force and Bending Moment 3.5 Relationship between Load, Shear Force and Bending Moment 3.6 Types of Supports 3.7 Bending Moments and Shear Force Diagrams 3.8 Inclined Loading on Beams 3.9 To Draw the Loading and B.M.D from S.F.D Exercise problems 4. Bending Stresses in Beams 4.1 Theory of Simple Bending 4.2 Neutral Axis 4.3 Moment of Resistance (M.R.) 4.4 Section Modulus 4.5 Flitched Beam 4.6 Beams of Uniform Strength 4.7 Shearing Stresses in Beams 4.8 Principal Stresses at a Point in a Beam Exercise problems 5. Deflection of Beams 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Circular Bending 5.3 Differential Equation for the Deflection Curve 5.4 Double Integration Method 5.5 Macaulay’s Method 5.6 Deflection by Strain Energy Method 5.7 Moment–Area Method 5.8 Deflection Due To Shear 5.9 Propped Cantilevers and Propped Beams 5.10 Deflection due to Impact Exercise problems 6. Torsion 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Pure Torsion 6.3 Relation between Twisting Moment, Shear Stress and Angle of Twist 6.4 Polar Modulus 6.5 Torsional Rigidity 6.6 Power Transmitted by a Shaft 6.7 Strain Energy in Torsion 6.8 Combined Bending and Torsion 6.9 Equivalent Bending Moment 6.10 Equivalent Torque 6.11 Composite Shafts 6.12 Torsion of a Tapering shaft 6.13 Torsion of Statically Indeterminate Members 6.14 Springs 6.15 Close-Coiled Helical Springs 6.16 Springs in Series and Parallel 6.17 Open-Coiled Helical Springs 6.18 Leaf, Laminated or Carriage Springs 6.19 Quarter Elliptic Springs 6.20 Closed-coiled Conical Springs 6.21 Flat Spiral Springs Exercise problems 7. Fixed and Continuous Beams 7.1 Fixed Beams 533 7.2 Moment–Area Method for Fixed Beams 7.3 Macaulay’s Method for Fixed Beams 7.4 Effect of Sinking of Supports (Supports at Different Levels) 7.5 Fixed Beam Subjected to a Couple M Applied Eccentrically on the Span 7.6 Continuous Beam Exercise problems 8. Columns and Struts 8.1 Definitions 8.2 Axially Loaded Short Columns 8.3 Eccentrically Loaded Short Columns 8.4 Axially Loaded Slender Columns (Euler’s Equation) 8.5 Limitations of Euler’s Formula 8.6 Intermediate Columns (Tangent Modulus Equations) 8.7 Empirical Formulae for the Column’s Design 8.8 Eccentrically Loaded Long Columns 8.9 Columns with Initial Curvature 8.10 Laterally Loaded Struts 8.11 Laterally Loaded Ties 8.12 Perry Robertson Formula 8.13 Built-up Columns Exercise problems 9. Thin and Thick Cylinders 9.1 Thin Cylindrical and Spherical Shells 9.2 Thick Cylindrical and Spherical Shells Exercise problems 10. Theories of Elastic Failure 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Maximum Principal Stress Theory 10.3 Maximum Shearing Stress Theory (Coulomb’s Theory) 10.4 Strain Energy Theory (Beltrami and Haigh) 10.5 Shear Strain Energy Theory (Distortion Energy Theory) (Huber) 10.6 Maximum Strain Theory (St. Venant’s Theory) 10.7 Octahedral Shear Stress Theory Exercise problems Appendix Index
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