An Introduction to Soil Reinforcement and Geosynthetics
G L Sivakumar Babu
Year of Publishing
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Universities Press

This book provides an introduction to the techniques and procedures of soil reinforcement. The various reinforcement materials in use today (particularly geosynthetics) are discussed and their properties evaluated for different reinforcement functions. The design principles underlying various reinforcement techniques are analysed and illustrated with examples. Construction of roads, flyovers, embankments and dams, facilities on soft soil deposits, etc., involve soil reinforcement techniques, and increasingly, sustainable engineering solutions for environmental challenges such as landfills and foundations of seismic resistant structures involve the use of geosynthetics. The book examines the existing and potential range of applications of soil reinforcement and geosynthetics in civil engineering solutions.

G L Sivakumar Babu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, from where he earlier received his doctorate. He has considerable teaching experience and has been involved in research and design using geosynthetics in India, Germany and the USA. He is a recipient of a number of international and national awards and recognitions, and has contributed to international journals and conferences. He is a consultant in the area of geotechnical engineering, soil reinforcement and geosynthetics.
Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Design Principle and Influencing Factors / Materials and Material Properties / Improvement of Bearing Capacity / Design of Reinforced Soil Slopes / Design of Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls / Embank on Soft Soil / Soil Nailing / Use of Geosynthetics for Filtration and Drainage / Use of Geosynthetics in Roads / Geosynthetics in Landfills / Natural Geotextiles / Index
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