Understanding Combustion
H S Mukunda
158 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

The phenomenon of combustion, seemingly so simple and present almost in all spheres of our lives, is a fascinatingly complex process that involves elements of chemistry, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics. In Understanding Combustion, the author takes on the task of revealing its myriad aspects for the benefit of a general reader with a background in science. The narrative introduces the reader to the process of combustion happening everywhere, in the domestic, industrial and scientific spheres and then goes on to explain the aspects of engineering design involved in the control of the process. From a simple candle flame to cooking stoves to combustion in hybrid rocket engines, the book looks at combustion in varied fuel media, examines the chemistry behind it, analyses the stability of the process and the modelling of combustion devices. In this revised edition, three new chapters on gasification of solid fuels, emission of pollutants and explosion and detonation have been included to expand the field of discourse to recent developments and also cover practical issues related to conservation of fuels and environmental degradation. This book would be of interest to students of science and technology.

Professor H S Mukunda leads the group at the Combustion, Gasification and Propulsion Laboratory (CGPL), Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, which has been doing pioneering work in combustion and propulsion in addition to innovative research and development in the field of energy from bio-resource. He is deeply committed to technology development and the transfer of its fruits for service of the society. His contributions have been recognised by fellowships of the Indian Academy of Sciences, the Indian National Academy of Engineering, and the Aeronautical society of India. He has been conferred, among others, the DRDO Academic Excellence Award for his valuable contribution to the field of missile propulsion, the Om Prakash Bhasin Award for contributions to science, technology and energy, and the Alumni Award of Indian Institute of Science for excellence in research in engineering.
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