Know Your English, Volume 2: Words frequently confused
S Upendran
120 x 180 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

Words Frequently Confused, the second volume in the four volume series, Know Your English, is based on S. Upendran’s popular weekly column published in The Hindu. It contains a selection of about 480 pairs of words that are frequently confused. Each entry gives the meaning of the words and points out the difference between them. Examples are also provided showing how the words can be used in everyday contexts. Some of the entries also contain information about the pronunciation and the etymology (origin) of the word.

S. Upendran has been writing the column, Know Your English, in The Hindu, since 1992. He is a Professor in the Department of Materials Development at the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. The selections in this book are those that featured between 1992 and 2011.

  1. A few, few, quite a few
  2. Abbreviation, acronym
  3. Academic, academician
  4. Ache, pain
  5. Acquit, exonerate
  6. Acute, chronic
  7. Adhesive, cohesive
  8. Adjoin, adjacent
  9. Admission, admittance
  10. Adverse, averse
  11. Advice, advise
  12. Adviser, advisor
  13. Aestivate, hibernate
  14. Affect, effect
  15. Afflict, inflict
  16. Ageing, aging
  17. Agnostic, atheist
  18. Ago, before
  19. Alibi, excuse
  20. All right, alright
  21. Allude, elude
  22. Alone, lonely
  23. Alongwith, along with
  24. Alphabet, letter
  25. Alternate, alternative
  26. Although, though, albeit
  27. Alumni, alumnae, alumna, alumnus
  28. A.M., P.M.
  29. Ambassador, High Commissioner
  30. Ambiance, ambience
  31. Ambivalent, indifferent
  32. Amid, among, amongst
  33. Among, between
  34. Amoral, immoral
  35. Ample, enough
  36. Amuse, bemuse
  37. Annex, annexe
  38. Another, other
  39. Anyway, anyways
  40. Apartment, flat
  41. Apoplexy, apocalypse
  42. Apposite, opposite
  43. Appraise, apprise
  44. Argument, quarrel
  45. Army, military
  46. Aroma, smell
  47. Arrested, detained
  48. Artist, artiste
  49. As if, as though
  50. As scheduled, on schedule
  51. Assassinate, murder
  52. At/on weekends
  53. Autograph, signature
  54. Autopsy, post mortem
  55. Avoid, evade
  56. Award, reward
  57. Await, wait
  58. Baby boomer, Generation X, Generation Y
  59. Backward, backwards
  60. Baggage, luggage
  61. Bail, parole
  62. Banquet, dinner
  63. Barber, hairstylist
  64. Battle, war
  65. Beach, shore
  66. Beat, hit
  67. Beautiful, pretty
  68. Beehove, behove
  69. Believe, believe in
  70. Biannual, biennial
  71. Bibliography, reference
  72. Bigot, fanatic
  73. Bimonthly, fortnightly
  74. Biodata, cv, resume
  75. Birding, birder
  76. Blind in, blind to
  77. Blue-collar, pink-collar, white-collar
  78. Bravado, bravery
  79. Break a sweat, break into a sweat
  80. Breeze away, breeze through
  81. Briefly, shortly
  82. Browse, peruse
  83. Buzzword, password
  84. Call at, call on
  85. Call for, call upon, drop in on
  86. Call off, put off
  87. Callous, callus
  88. Capsize, overturn
  89. Cemetery, graveyard
  90. Cent percent, hundred percent
  91. Centre, center
  92. Change, alter
  93. Chauffeur, driver
  94. Chew at, chew out
  95. Childish, childlike
  96. Choose, pick
  97. Chubby, flabby
  98. Cite, quote
  99. Citizen, resident, netizen
  100. Client, clientele
  101. Climate, weather
  102. Co-brother, brother-in-law, co-brother-in-law
  103. Collaborate, corroborate
  104. Colourful, coloured
  105. Command of, command over
  106. Comic, comical
  107. Compare, contrast, liken
  108. Compare to, compare with
  109. Compel, impel
  110. Complacent, complaisant
  111. Complement, compliment
  112. Complex, complicated
  113. Comptroller, controller
  114. Compulsive, impulsive
  115. Concert, recital
  116. Condole, condolence
  117. Confidant, confidante
  118. Contagious, infectious
  119. Continually, continuously
  120. Convicted, sentenced
  121. Cool down, cool off
  122. Corrigenda, errata
  123. Cost, price
  124. Couch potato, fax potato, mouse potato
  125. Cousin, half brother
  126. Crises, crisis
  127. Criteria, criterion
  128. Criticism, critique
  129. Cronyism, nepotism
  130. Crush, infatuation
  131. Cupboard love, puppy love
  132. Curd, curds
  133. Custom, habit
  134. Cut, crack a joke
  135. Cynic, sceptic
  136. Damage, damages
  137. Damsel, spinster
  138. Day by day, day-to-day
  139. De facto, de jure
  140. Dead, departed
  141. Dead cheap, dirt cheap
  142. Deadly, deathly
  143. Deal in, deal with
  144. Defence, defense
  145. Deism, theism
  146. Demise, death
  147. Deny, refute
  148. Dependent, dependant
  149. Depromoted, demoted
  150. Desire, aspire
  151. Despatch, dispatch
  152. Despise, hate
  153. Deter to do, deter from doing
  154. Detract, distract
  155. Died, killed
  156. Different from, different than
  157. Dine in, dine at
  158. Dinner, supper
  159. Disassemble, dissemble
  160. Debar, disbar
  161. Disburse, disperse
  162. Discover, invent
  163. Discreet, discrete
  164. Discuss, discuss about, discussion about
  165. Disguise, guise
  166. Disinterested, uninterested
  167. Dispense, dispense with
  168. Displace, misplace
  169. Disposed of, disposed off
  170. Dispute, quarrel
  171. Dissatisfied, unsatisfied
  172. Disused, unused
  173. Drink in, drink down
  174. Drop out, dropout
  175. Due to, owing to
  176. Earmark, hallmark
  177. Eatable, edible
  178. Eavesdrop, overhear
  179. Edgy, nervous
  180. Educated, learned
  181. Egoist, egotist
  182. Effeminate, metrosexual
  183. Elder, older
  184. Emigrate, immigrate
  185. Eminent, famous
  186. Emulate, imitate
  187. Enclosed, enclosed herewith
  188. Energize, enervate
  189. English teacher, teacher of English
  190. Enough, enough of
  191. Envelope, envelop
  192. Endemic, epidemic
  193. Enquiry/ inquiry, query
  194. Erstwhile, former
  195. Escort, convoy
  196. Especially, specially
  197. Even so, even though
  198. Every day, everyday
  199. Ex, former
  200. Exalt, exult
  201. Expel, rusticate
  202. Expect, hope
  203. Expire, die
  204. Extempore, impromptu
  205. Extinct, extinguish
  206. Fable, parable
  207. Faculty, faculties
  208. Fairly, rather
  209. Familiar with, familiar to
  210. Far-fetched, far-reaching
  211. Fares, prices
  212. Farther, further
  213. Fat chance, slim chance
  214. Fat, plump, buxom
  215. Fatal, fateful
  216. Father-in-laws, fathers-in-law
  217. Faux pas, blunder
  218. Feminist, hominist, masculinist
  219. Fictitious, facetious
  220. Fight against, fight with
  221. Fill in a form, fill out a form
  222. Financial, fiscal
  223. First cousin, second cousin, cousin once removed
  224. Flammable, inflammable, non flammable
  225. Floor, ground
  226. For sale, on sale
  227. Forbear, forebear
  228. Forbid, prevent
  229. Foreword, preface
  230. Forget, disremember
  231. Forthwith, immediately
  232. Fragile, frail
  233. Friend, companion
  234. Funds, money
  235. Gawk, gaze
  236. Genius, prodigy
  237. Gentle, genteel
  238. Get dressed, dress up
  239. Gift, present
  240. Give up, give in
  241. Glance, glimpse
  242. Godown, warehouse
  243. Good Morning, good afternoon, good night
  244. Gourmet, gourmand
  245. Graceful, gracious
  246. Grumble about, grumble at
  247. Half pants, shorts
  248. Handsome woman, beautiful woman
  249. Handy, portable
  250. Hanged, hung
  251. Harbour someone, house someone
  252. Hat, cap
  253. Have to, must
  254. Head Master, Principal
  255. Heartfelt, hearty
  256. Heartthrob, sweetheart
  257. Histrionics, hysterics
  258. Hoard, horde
  259. Homely, at home
  260. Homemaker, housewife, househusband
  261. Home, house, residence
  262. Homicide, manslaughter, murder
  263. Homophone, homonym
  264. Honourable, honorary
  265. Horrible, horrific
  266. Hospice, hospital
  267. Hostellite, hosteller
  268. Hotel, motel
  269. Hotel, restaurant
  270. Housekeeper, housesitter
  271. How are you? How do you do?
  272. However, how ever
  273. However, nevertheless
  274. Human, humane
  275. Hungry, famished, peckish
  276. Ice cool, ice cold
  277. Ill sick
  278. Ill-informed, misinformed
  279. Impasse, deadlock
  280. Impassioned, impassive
  281. Imply, infer
  282. In camera, on camera
  283. Incomparable, uncomparable
  284. In short supply, in short order
  285. In spite of, despite
  286. In the end, at the end
  287. In time, on time
  288. Incidence, incident
  289. Infant, toddler
  290. Infiltrator, intruder
  291. Informer, informant
  292. Ingenious, ingenuous
  293. Instinct, intuition
  294. Intense, intensive
  295. Interfere, intervene
  296. Interpreter, translator
  297. Introvert, taciturn
  298. Invaluable, valuable
  299. Invite, invitation
  300. Its, it’s
  301. Jail, prison
  302. Journal, magazine
  303. Journey, sojourn
  304. Judgement, judgment
  305. Junk, obsolete
  306. Kidnap, hijack
  307. Kitchen, mess, pantry
  308. Laconic, taciturn
  309. Lacto-vegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, vegan
  310. Lanky, tall
  311. Lastly, last but not least
  312. Lawyer, attorney
  313. Lay, lie
  314. Learn something by heart/rote
  315. Learned, learnt
  316. Lease, rent
  317. Leave, holiday
  318. Leave behind, forget
  319. Lecturn, podium
  320. Lengthy, long
  321. License, licence
  322. Life assurance, life insurance
  323. Lightning, lightening
  324. Likeable, likable
  325. Loath, loathe
  326. Lonely, lonesome
  327. Look at, watch
  328. Look over, overlook
  329. Look, see
  330. Loose, lose
  331. Loving child, lovely child
  332. Luxurious, luxuriant
  333. Man of promise, man of promises
  334. Mania, phobia
  335. Many, many a
  336. Marriage, wedding
  337. Martyr, victim
  338. Masochist, sadist
  339. Maybe, perhaps
  340. Medical shop, chemist’s
  341. Megalomaniac, kleptomaniac
  342. Memento, souvenir
  343. Meet, visit
  344. Militant, terrorist
  345. Misbehaviour, misdemeanour
  346. Misfit, unfit
  347. Misogamist, misogynist
  348. Miss, Ms
  349. Missive, letter
  350. Mobile, moveable
  351. Momentary, momentous
  352. Monday through/to Friday
  353. Monologue, soliloquy
  354. Motherland, fatherland
  355. Mouthpiece, spokesperson
  356. Movie, movies, cinema
  357. Muddle along, muddle around
  358. Murder, kill
  359. Must, ought to
  360. Naked, nude
  361. Native place, hometown
  362. Naught, nought
  363. Negligent, negligible
  364. Neophyte, beginner
  365. New York minute, Facebook minute
  366. Next week, the next week
  367. Nickname, pseudonym
  368. No priest, not a priest
  369. Nonetheless, nevertheless
  370. Noticeable, notable
  371. Notorious, infamous
  372. Obliged, obligated
  373. Obtain, attain
  374. Occupation, designation
  375. Odious, odorous
  376. Odour, smell
  377. On foot, by foot
  378. Overspeeding, speeding
  379. Panacea, placebo
  380. Partake, take part
  381. Partially, partly
  382. Passenger, traveller
  383. Peek, peep
  384. Place, put
  385. Plenty, aplenty
  386. Portend, portent
  387. Possible, probable
  388. Practical, practicable
  389. Premier, premiere
  390. Prepone, advance
  391. Prescribe, proscribe
  392. Preserve, conserve
  393. Prevaricate, procrastinate
  394. Prolonged, protracted
  395. Proper question, question proper
  396. Prophecy, prophesy
  397. Purposely, purposefully
  398. Push over, pushover
  399. Quash, squash
  400. Rare, scarce
  401. Rational, rationale
  402. Re-count, recount
  403. Re-cover, recover
  404. Referee, umpire
  405. Regret, repent
  406. Relinquish, surrender
  407. Reminisce, remember
  408. Reputed, reputable
  409. Revue, review
  410. Robber, thief, burglar
  411. Sachet, sashay
  412. Salary, wages
  413. Scarce, sparse
  414. Scare, scarify
  415. Scholarship, stipend
  416. Scoot down, scoot over
  417. Seasonable, seasonal
  418. Sell, sell out
  419. Semblance, resemblance
  420. Sentimental, emotional
  421. Shop, shoppe
  422. Should, must
  423. Show someone the door, show someone to the door
  424. Sicken at, sicken of
  425. Similar, identical
  426. Simple, simplistic
  427. Simpleton, simple minded
  428. Sink, drown
  429. Smile at, laugh at
  430. So far, till now
  431. Sob, weep
  432. Sometime, sometimes, some time
  433. Spare, stepney
  434. Speak English, speak in English
  435. Spectators, audience
  436. Stagger, totter
  437. Staircase, stairway
  438. Stammer, stutter
  439. Stationary, stationery
  440. Story, tale
  441. Stumble over, stumble on
  442. Swap, swop
  443. Take care of, take care
  444. Talk to, talk with
  445. Tasteful, tasty
  446. Television serial, television series
  447. Thrice, three times
  448. Thumb through, leaf through
  449. Tiffin, breakfast
  450. Timing, timings
  451. Tiresome, tiring
  452. Too, very
  453. Towards, toward
  454. Translation, transliteration
  455. Treason, treachery
  456. Troublemaker, trouble shooter
  457. Tryst, rendezvous
  458. Unaware, unawares
  459. Underemployed, unemployed
  460. Up-and-coming, upcoming
  461. Up to, until, till
  462. Update, up-to-date
  463. Utensil, vessel
  464. Utopia, dystopia
  465. Vacant, empty
  466. Varsity, university
  467. Vendor, seller
  468. Verbal, oral
  469. Vertically/ horizontally/ physically/visually challenged
  470. Vocation, avocation
  471. Voracious, veracious
  472. Walkable, walking
  473. While, whilst
  474. Whiskey, Whisky
  475. Wish, desire
  476. Word for word, word by word
  477. Worrisome, worrying
  478. Worthwhile, worth while
  479. Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely
Release Date : 09 Feb 2013 Venue : Chennai
IEEE India Info Vol. 8 No. 5 May 2013
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