International Finance
G Shailaja
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

It is a textbook for management students and a reference for practicing managers. In this revised edition, all the chapters have been updated. New chapters on global strategic alliances, international taxation, international project management and currency crises have been added. The approach has been to blend theory with practical aspects of decision-making. Latest policy changes in the Indian scenario have been included. Salient features of the book are:

  • Learning objectives, keypoints and glossary are provided for each chapter
  • Illustrative examples and solved problems will improve the learners’ orientation for numerical work
  • Self-assessment questions of different types like MCQs, fill in the blanks and descriptive answers
  • Interesting case studies that will sharpen analytical skills

Dr Shailaja is Associate Professor with Osmania University. She has over 20 years’ experience in teaching management courses.

  1. Introduction to International Finance
    Globalization and MNCs, Significance of International Finance, Types of international Transactions, Risks, Scope
  2. Financial Markets
    Functions of a financial system, Financial instruments, Systemic risk
  3. Foreign Exchange Market
    Important terms in foreign exchange market, Currency devaluation and Revaluation, Currency depreciation and appreciation, Effects of volatility of
    exchange rates, Indian foreign exchange market, Reforms
  4. Foreign Exchange Quotes
    Foreign exchange quote, Types of foreign exchange rates, Triangular arbitrage
  5. Currency Derivatives
    Forward contract, Futures contract, Payoff profiles in a futures contract, Options contract, Swap contract
  6. Eurocurrency Market
    Eurocurrency deposits and loans, Eurocurrency market versus the foreign exchange Market, Regulation of Eurocurrency market, International financial centres
  7. Sources of Finance
    Cost of components of capital, Sources of finance, External Commercial Borrowings
  8. International Financing Agencies
    International Monetary Fund, Performance of the IMF, The World Bank
  9. Theories of Exchange Rates
    The Fisher equation, Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) theory, Interest rate parity (IRP) theory, Unbiased forward rate (UFR) theory, Comparison of the fundamental
    parity conditions
  10. Currency Convertibility
    Foreign portfolio investment, Foreign direct investment, Composition of cross-border flows in emerging markets, Currency convertibility, Convertibility in India
  11. Evolution of the International Financial System
    How are exchange rates determined, The international monetary system, Drawbacks of BWA
  12. Balance of Payments
    Features of BOP, Components of BOP, India’s BOP
  13. Types of Foreign Exchange Exposure
    Definitions, Translation of financial statements, Accounting Standard in India, Translation methods in the USA
  14. Hedging Currency Risk
    Costs of hedging, Types of hedges, Hedges for cash management
  15. Capital Budgeting for Overseas Investment
    Evaluation of capital budgeting proposals, Special features of overseas capital budgeting Proposal, Comparison of NPV and APV
  16. Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions
    Mergers and Acquisitions, Foreign Direct Investment, FDI policy in India
  17. International Portfolio Investment
    International Diversification, Hedging portfolio risk
  18. Documentation in International Trade
    India’s export-import policy, Risks in international trade, Terms in international trade
  19. Financing of International Trade
    Financial assistance, Forfaiting, Exim Bank
  20. International Accounting
    Accounting Harmonization, Harmonization efforts in India, Other countries
  21. Transfer Pricing
    Effect of Transfer Pricing on tax liability, TP methods
  22. Multinational Tax Planning
    Features of tax regimes, Types of taxes, Methods of taxation, Comparison of LLP and other organizational forms
  23. International Banking
    Global banking system, Money laundering
  24. Multinational Corporations and Corporate Governance
    Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility
  25. Financial Crises
    Causes, Global financial crisis
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