Advances in Cloud Computing
Anirban Basu, Rajiv Ranjan & Rajkumar Buyya
216 x 280 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

The next wave in computing technology, expected to usher in a new era, will be based on cloud computing. Cloud computing assembles large networks of virtualized services comprising hardware resources (CPU, storage, and network) and software resources (e.g., databases, message queuing systems, monitoring system, and load-balancers). Cloud providers offer organizations the option of deploying their application over a network of infinite resource pool with practically no capital investment, and with modest operating costs proportional to their actual usage. As with any emerging technology, a host of issues related to the deployment and delivery models, security issues, performance considerations, etc., are in a state of flux. This compendium contains state-of-the-art papers on cloud computing presented at the first international conference organized by the Computer Society of India in July 2012, which would be of interest to researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners active in this field.

Anirban Basu (MTech in electronics, masters and PhD degrees in computer science), is currently Chief Consultant to PQR Software, Bangalore, and Professor and Head, Computer Science Engineering (R&D) at East Point Research Academy, Bangalore. He has more than 30 years of experience in academics, software development, industry consultancy and corporate training. Dr Basu is a recipient of a number of awards including the 1985 Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship in Computer Science and the Computer Engineering Division Gold Medals of the Institution of Engineers (India). He was Chairperson,Computer Society of India (CSI), Bangalore Chapter, in 2010-2011, and is Event Chair, International Conference on Advances in Cloud Computing (ACC 2012), organized by the society.

Rajiv Ranjan (BTech and PhD in computer science) is a research scientist and project leader at CSIRO ICT Center Information Engineering Laboratory, Canberra, where he works on projects related to cloud and service computing. Prior to this he was a senior research associate at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW). He was Program Chair for the 2010, 2011 and 2012 Australasian symposiums on parallel and distributed computing and the 2010 IEEE TCSC Doctoral Symposium. He is an editor of IEEE TCSC Newsletter.

Rajkumar Buyya is a professor of computer science and software engineering and the director of Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is also the founding CEO of Manjrasoft, a spin-off company of the university involved in the commercialization of innovations in cloud computing.  He is the founding Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing and has contributed significantly to the organisation of five IEEE/ACM conferences. These contributions and Dr Buyya’s leading research work has been recognised with honours like the 2009 IEEE Medal for Excellence in Scalable Computing (IEEE Computer Society, USA), and the 2010 Asia Pacific Frost & Sullivan New Product Innovation Award as well as the 2011 Telstra Innovation Challenge, People’s Choice Award for Manjrasoft''s Aneka cloud technology.


Part I (Invited Papers)
1. MediaWise—Designing a Smart Media Cloud
    Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Rajiv Ranjan, Karan Mitra and Xiangmin Zhou

2. Resource Management on Clouds: the Multifaceted Problem and Solutions
    Shikharesh Majumdar

3. People-centered Cloud Services Aggregation and Exchange
    Chen-Khong Tham

4. Cloud Security 18
    N Sarat Chandra Babu

5. Business Benefits of Cloud Computing—Looking Beyond Technology
Vishal Sharma

6. Mobile Cloud Computing
    Sajal K Das

7. Sensing-as-a-Service and Big Data 21
    Arkady Zaslavsky, Charith Perera and Dimitrios Georgakopoulos

8. Agile Practices and Cloud Computing in Software Development
    Raja Bavani

9. Future of Inventions in Cloud Computing
    Venguswamy Ramaswamy

10. The Art and Science of Making the Cloud Work
    Perangur Sundar Varadaraj

11. Cloud Computing Adoption in India—A Practitioner’s View
    Nilesh Naker, Anant Gupta and Eva Beauvillain

12. Trust in Cloud Infrastructure and Security in Sensor Cloud Computing
    Sanjay K Madria and Nayot Poolsappasit

13. SAP Business ByDesign—Next Generation Cloud Suite for Medium Enterprises
    Sanjeev Mehta

14. API Cloud Store
    Niranth Amogh and Koteeswara Prabhu A

Part II (Contributed Papers)

1. T-Chord: Trust Based Peer-to-Peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications
    P Rajkumar, A Rajesh and A Nagaraju

2. Network Allocation to Vertical Handoff Call Using Non-cooperative Game Theory
    S V Saboji and C B Akki

3. Proof of Data Retrievability for Static Data
    Nitin Singh Chauhan, Sravan Kumar R and Ashutosh Saxena

4. A Software Engineering Approach for Cloud Migration
    Rashmi, G Sahoo and Shabana Mehfuz

5. SQL-GQL Inter-Query Translation for Google App Engine Datastore
    Shyam Kotecha, Minal Bhise and Sanjay Chaudhary

6. Measures to Make Cloud Energy Efficient
    Meenakshi Bist, G D Makkar and Amit Agarwal

7. MCS-like Algorithms for Efficient Mutual Exclusion in Cloud and Multi-core Settings
    Mohammed Shahid Abdulla

8. Reputation Schemes among Cloud-based E-commerce Agents when Using
    Multi-Criteria Decision Making for the Case of Overlapping Assessments
    Mohammed Shahid Abdulla

9. Compiler Optimizations for OpenCL Compiler
    Neelima B, Madhu R Sagar, Jayavanth Shenoy U, Sapna Bhat and Pooja V Patankar

10. Hybrid Cloud Solutions for the SMEs’ using Eucalyptus as a Platform
    Abhishek Rajvir, Akash Agrawal, Ashwin Kumar and Kushal Malani

11. A Pragmatic Scheduling Approach for Creating Optimal Priority of Jobs with
     Business Values in Cloud Computing
     T R Gopalakrishnan Nair and Vivek Sharma

12. High Performance Private Cloud for Satellite Data Processing—Engineering in Cloud 126
    Raghavendra Kune, Ankit Chaudhri, Pramod Kumar Konugurthi and Geeta Varadan

13. Cloud Deployment Considerations for Service Providers
    Vikrant Karvir

14. Exploring Cloud Computing and Security Issues
    P Jayarekha and Anitha H M

15. Application of IP Security in Cloud
    Syed Ajim Hussain

Part III (Short Papers)
1. A Secure Web-Application Architecture for the Cloud
    Arshad Noor

2. A Novel Architecture Using Advanced Encryption Standard to Implement Disk Security
    Minal Moharir and Dr A V Suresh

3. Fast Virtual Machine Checkpoint/Migration Technique Using Fast Virtual
    Disk Image in Clouds
    Monica Gahlawat and Priyanka Sharma

4. Redescription Mining with Geological Data
    M Kamala Kumari, P Suresh Varma and A Praveen

5. Cloud Based National Health Information System for Public Use in India
    Shridhar Aithal

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