Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation: An Integrated Approach
Brahma Dathan and Sarnath Ramnath
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

This book uses a case-study-based approach for providing a comprehensive introduction to the principles of object-oriented design. The salient points of its coverage are:

  • A sound footing on object-oriented concepts such as classes, objects, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic linking, etc.
  • A good introduction to the stage of requirements analysis
  • Use of UML to document user requirements and design
  • An extensive treatment of the design process
  • Coverage of implementation issues
  • Appropriate use of design and architectural patterns
  • Introduction to the art and craft of refactoring
  • Pointers to resources that further the reader's knowledge

The stress of the book is on implementation aspects, without which the learning is incomplete. This is achieved through the use of case studies for introducing the various concepts of analysis and design, ensuring that the theory is never separate from the implementation aspects. In the first edition, UML was introduced on an “as-needed” basis; certain UML diagrams that were not needed were not covered. This edition includes a new chapter for providing a concise introduction to the remaining UML diagrams using the same holistic approach used in the first edition. 

All the main case studies used in this book have been implemented by the authors using Java. An appendix on Java provides a useful short tutorial on the language
Brahma Dathan is an associate professor at the College of Arts and Science, Metropolitan State University, Minnesota. He obtained his BS in engineering with special focus on electronics and communication from the University of Kerala, MTech in computer science from  IIT Madras and PhD in computer science from University of Pittsburgh.  

Sarnath Ramnath received his B.Tech and M.Tech degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi in 1984 and 1987 respectively, and his PhD in Computer Science from SUNY, Buffalo in 1994. His areas of interest include algorithm analysis and design, data structures, computational geometry and object-oriented software design. He is currently Professor and Chair of the Dept of Computer Science at Minnesota State University, St Cloud, MN, USA.

Preface to the Second edition
Preface to the First edition
1 Introduction
1.1What is Object-Oriented Development?
1.2 Key Concepts of Object-Oriented Design
1.3 Other Related Concepts
1.3.1 Modular design and encapsulation
1.3.2 Cohesion and coupling
1.3.3 Modifiability and testability
1.4 Benefits and Drawbacks of the Paradigm
1.5 History
1.6 Discussion and Further Reading

2 Basics of Object-Oriented Programming
2.1 The Basics
2.2 Implementing Classes
2.2.1 Constructors
2.2.2 Printing an object
2.2.3 Static members
2.3 Programming with Multiple Classes
2.4 Interfaces
2.4.1 Implementation of StudentLinkedList
2.4.2 Array implementation of lists
2.5 Abstract Classes
2.6 Comparing Objects for Equality
2.7 A Notation for Describing Object-Oriented Systems
2.7.1 Class diagrams
2.7.2 Use cases and use case diagrams
2.7.3 Sequence diagrams
2.8 Discussion and Further Reading
3 Relationships between Classes
3.1 Association
3.1.1 Characteristics of associations
3.2 Inheritance
3.2.1 An example of a hierarchy
3.2.2 Inheriting from an interface
3.2.3 Polymorphism and dynamic binding
3.2.4 Protected fields and methods
3.2.5 The object class
3.3 Genericity
3.4 Discussion and Further Reading
3.4.1 A generalised notion of conformance
4 Language Features for Object-Oriented Implementation
4.1 Organising the Classes
4.1.1 Creating the files
4.1.2 Packages
4.1.3 Protected access and package access
4.2 Collection Classes
4.3 Exceptions
4.4 Run-Time Type Identification
4.4.1 Reflection: Using the Class object
4.4.2 Using the instanceof operator
4.4.3 Downcasting
4.5 Graphical User Interfaces: Programming Support
4.5.1 The basics
4.5.2 Event handling
4.5.3 More on widgets and layouts
4.5.4 Drawing shapes
4.5.5 Displaying a piece of text
4.6 Long-Term Storage of Objects
4.6.1 Storing and retrieving objects
4.6.2 Issues in storing and retrieving objects
4.6.3 The Java serialization mechanism
4.7 Discussion and Further Reading
5 Elementary Design Patterns
5.1 Iterator
5.1.1 Iterator implementation
5.2 Singleton
5.2.1 Subclassing singletons
5.3 Adapter
5.4 Discussion and Further Reading
6 Analysing a System
6.1 Overview of the Analysis Phase
6.2 Stage 1: Gathering the Requirements
6.2.1 Case study introduction
6.3 Functional Requirements Specification
6.3.1 Use case analysis
6.4 Defining Conceptual Classes and Relationships
6.5 Using the Knowledge of the Domain
6.6 Discussion and Further Reading
7 Design and Implementation
7.1.1 Major subsystems
7.1.2 Creating the software classes
7.1.3 Assigning responsibilities to the classes
7.1.4 Class diagrams
7.1.5 User interface
7.1.6 Data storage
7.2 Implementing Our Design
7.2.1 Setting up the interface
7.2.2 Adding new books
7.2.3 Issuing books
7.2.4 Printing transactions
7.2.5 Placing and processing holds
7.2.6 Storing and retrieving the library object
7.3 Discussion and Further Reading
7.3.1 Conceptual, software and implementation classes
7.3.2 Building a commercially acceptable system
7.3.3 The facade pattern
7.3.4 Implementing singletons
7.3.5 Further reading
8 How ‘Object-Oriented’ is Our Design?
8.1 Introduction
8.2 A First Example of Refactoring
8.2.1 A library that charges fines: Initial solution
8.2.2 Refactoring the solution
8.3 A Second Look at Remove Books
8.4 Using Generics to Refactor Duplicated Code
8.4.1 A closer look at the collection classes
8.4.2 Instantiating Catalog and MemberList
8.5 Discussion and Further Reading
9 Exploring Inheritance
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Applications of Inheritance
9.2.1 Restricting behaviours and properties
9.2.2 Abstract superclass
9.2.3 Adding features
9.2.4 Hiding features of the superclass
9.2.5 Combining structural and type inheritance
9.3 Inheritance: Some Limitations and Caveats
9.3.1 Deep hierarchies
9.3.2 Lack of multiple inheritance
9.3.3 Changes in the superclass
9.3.4 Typing issues: The Liskov substitution principle
9.3.5 Addressing the limitations
9.4 Type Inheritance
9.4.1 A simple example
9.4.2 The cloneable interface
9.4.3 The runnable interface
9.5 Making Enhancements to the Library Class
9.5.1 A first attempt
9.5.2 Drawbacks of the above approach
9.6 Improving the Design
9.6.1 Designing the hierarchy
9.6.2 Invoking the constructors
9.6.3 Distributing the responsibilities
9.6.4 Factoring responsibilities across the hierarchy
9.7 Consequences of Introducing Inheritance
9.7.1 Exception handling
9.7.2 Adding new functionality to a hierarchy
9.8 Multiple Inheritance
9.8.1 Mechanisms for resolving conflicts
9.8.2 Repeated inheritance
9.8.3 Multiple inheritance in Java
9.9 Discussion and Further Reading
9.9.1 Design patterns that facilitate inheritance
9.9.2 Performance of object-oriented systems
10 Modelling with Finite State Machines
10.1 Introduction
10.2 A Simple Example
10.3 Finite State Modelling
10.4 A First Solution to the Microwave Problem
10.4.1 Completing the analysis
10.4.2 Designing the system
10.4.3 The implementation classes
10.4.4 A critique of the above design
10.5 Using the State Pattern
10.5.1 Creating the state hierarchy
10.5.2 Implementation
10.6 Improving Communication between Objects
10.6.1 Loosely coupled communication
10.7 Redesign Using the Observer Pattern
10.7.1 Communication with the user
10.7.2 The improved design
10.8 Eliminating the Conditionals
10.8.1 Using the Java event mechanism
10.8.2 Using the context as a ‘switchboard’
10.8.3 Implementation
10.9 Designing GUI Programs Using the State Pattern
10.9.1 Design of a GUI system for the library
10.9.2 The context
10.10 Discussion and Further Reading
10.10.1 Implementing the state pattern
10.10.2 Features of the state pattern
10.10.3 Consequences of observer
10.10.4 Recognising and processing external events
10.10.5 Handling the events
11 Interactive Systems and the MVC Architecture
11.1 Introduction
11.2 The MVC Architectural Pattern
11.2.1 Examples
11.2.2 Implementation
11.2.3 Benefits of the MVC pattern
11.3 Analysing a Simple Drawing Program
11.3.1 Specifying the requirements
11.3.2 Defining the use cases
11.4 Designing the System
11.4.1 Defining the model
11.4.2 Defining the controller
11.4.3 Selection and deletion
11.4.4 Saving and retrieving the drawing
11.5 Design of the Subsystems
11.5.1 Design of the model subsystem
11.5.2 Design of item and its subclasses
11.5.3 Design of the controller subsystem
11.5.4 Design of the view subsystem
11.6 Getting into the Implementation
11.6.1 Item and its subclasses
11.6.2 Implementation of the model class
11.6.3 Implementation of the controller class
11.6.4 Implementation of the view class
11.6.5 The driver program
11.6.6 A critique of our design
11.7 Implementing the Undo Operation
11.7.1 Employing the command pattern
11.7.2 Implementation
11.8 Drawing Incomplete Items
11.9 Adding a New Feature
11.10 Pattern-Based Solutions
11.10.1 Examples of architectural patterns
11.11 Discussion and Further Reading
11.11.1 Separating the view and the controller
11.11.2 The space overhead for the command pattern
11.11.3 How to store the items
11.11.4 Exercising caution when allowing undo
11.11.5 Synchronising updates
12 Designing with Distributed Objects
12.1 Client/Server Systems
12.1.1 Basic architecture of client/server systems
12.2 Java Remote Method Invocation
12.2.1 Remote interfaces
12.2.2 Implementing a remote interface
12.2.3 Creating the server
12.2.4 The client
12.2.5 Setting up the system
12.3 Implementing an Object-Oriented System on the Web
12.3.1 HTML and Java servlets
12.3.2 Deploying the library system on the world-wide web
12.4 Discussion and Further Reading
13 The Unified Modelling Language
13.1 Communication Diagrams
13.1.1 Specification-level Communication Diagrams
13.1.2 Instance-level Communication Diagram
13.2 Timing Diagrams
13.3 Activity Diagrams
13.4 Interaction Overview Diagrams
13.5 Component diagrams
13.5.1 Usage
13.6 Composite Structure Diagrams
13.7 Package Diagrams
13.8 Object Diagrams
13.9 Deployment Diagrams
13.10 Discussion and Further Reading

Appendix A: Java Essentials
A.1 Language Basics
A.2 A Simple Java Program
A.3 Primitive Data Types
A.4 Relational Operators
A.5 A Note on Input and Output
A.6 Selection Statements
A.7 Loops
A.8 Methods
A.9 Arrays


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