Programming with C and Data Structures
R S Bichkar
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

This comprehensive textbook on book on programming with C and data structures is designed to meet the requirements of the first year engineering curriculum of VTU. It aims to fulfil the broad objective of enabling students to learn the basic principles of problem solving through C programming language and develop programming skills.

The concepts of C programming are dealt with in a carefully planned manner, with emphasis on commonly used concepts and topics, supported by numerous short as well as complete working programming examples. A separate chapter on laboratory programs will help students to test their understanding of concepts and apply them in practice. In addition, the book also exposes learners to modular programming, basic concepts of pointers and data structures, and effective utilisation of memory using pointer technology.

Salient features:

  • Comprehensive coverage of concepts of C programming designed to meet VTU syllabus requirements

  • Large number of examples (short examples as well as complete working programs) for explaining concepts and enabling rapid development of C programming skills

  • Comprehensive coverage of data structures

  • Exposure to modular programming, basic concepts of pointers, data structures and effective utilization of memory using pointer technology

  • Carefully designed exercises at the end of each chapter including multiple-choice questions

  • Pseudocode approach; emphasis on problem solving

  • Lab programs along with algorithms and outputs given separately

R S Bichkar obtained his BE and ME degrees in electronics from the SGGS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded, in 1986 and 1990 respectively, and his PhD from IIT Kharagpur in 2000. He served as a faculty member in the computer engineering and electronics engineering departments in the SGGS Institute of Engineering and Technology from 1986 to 2007, and is presently a professor in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Pune.


Syllabus and Mapping with Book Contents

1 Introduction to Computers, Programming and the C Language

1.1 Introduction to Computers

1.2 Program Development

1.3 Structured and Modular Programming

1.4 Flowcharts

1.5 Algorithms and Pseudocode

1.6 Introduction to C Programming Language


2 Representing Data

2.1 Character Set

2.2 Keywords

2.3 Basic Data Types

2.4 Constants

2.5 Identifiers

2.6 Variables

2.7 Symbolic Constants

2.8 Type Suffixes, Modifiers and Qualifiers

2.9 Constants in Octal and Hexadecimal Form


3 Operators and Expressions

3.1 Operators

3.2 Expressions

3.3 Assignment

3.4 Relational and Equality Operators and Expressions

3.5 Logical Operators and Boolean Expressions

3.6 Additional Operators


4 The C Standard Library

4.1 About the C Standard Library

4.2 Input and Output Facilities

4.3 Mathematical Library

4.4 Character Classification and Conversion

4.5 Utility Functions


5 Conditional Control or Branching

5.1 The if Statement

5.2 Nested if Statements

5.3 The switch Statement

5.4 Conditional Expression (Ternary) Operator (? :)

5.5 goto Statement


6 Looping Control

6.1 The for Loop

6.2 The while Loop

6.3 The do … while Loop

6.4 Intricacies of Loops

6.5 Using if Statements within Loops

6.6 Nested Loops

6.7 Using switch Statements within Loops

6.8 Loop Interruption (break and continue statements)

6.9 goto Statement and Loops


7 Functions

7.1 Functions

7.2 User-defined Functions

7.3 Call by Value Mechanism of Parameter Passing

7.4 Program Structure

7.5 void and Parameter-less Functions

7.6 Recursion


8 Vectors or One-dimensional Arrays

8.1 Introduction

8.2 One-dimensional Arrays

8.3 Arrays as Function Parameters

8.4 const, static and External Arrays

8.5 Searching

8.6 Sorting


9 Matrices and Multidimensional Arrays

9.1 Two-dimensional Arrays or Matrices

9.2 Multidimensional Arrays

9.3 Additional Concepts


10 Strings

10.1 Character Strings

10.2 String I/O (Printing and Reading Strings)

10.3 String Manipulation Functions

10.4 Processing Strings Using Loops

10.5 Writing Functions for String Processing

10.6 Array of Strings


11 Structures

11.1 Structures

11.2 Structures Containing Arrays

11.3 Nested Structures

11.4 Structures and Functions

11.5 Array of Structures

11.6 Type Definition and Structure Data Types

11.7 Unions


12 Files

12.1 File Basics

12.2 File Access Functions

12.3 Character I/O

12.4 Formatted I/O

12.5 Direct I/O

12.6 File Positioning


13 Pointers

13.1 Pointers and Address

13.2 Pointers and Function Arguments (Call by Reference)

13.3 Pointers and Arrays

13.4 Character Pointer and Functions

13.5 Pointer to a Pointer

13.6 Array of Pointers

13.7 Dynamic Memory Management

13.8 Pointer to a Structure

13.9 Complex Declarations Involving Pointers


14 C Preprocessor

14.1 Introduction to the C Preprocessor

14.2 File Inclusion

14.3 Macro Expansion

14.4 Conditional Compilation

14.5 Miscellaneous Concepts

14.6 Debugging Programs using Conditional Compilation

14.7 Writing Multi-File Programs


15 Introduction to Data Structures

15.1 Data Structures

15.2 Stack

15.3 Queue

15.4 Linked List

15.5 Tree


16 Laboratory Programs (Part B: Problem Solving in C)

Appendix A. The ASCII Character Set

Appendix B. Summary of C Operators

Appendix C. Past Question Papers

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