K D Joshi
158 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), the gateway to the IITs—India’s prestigious institutes of learning—is considered as one of the toughest examinations conducted in India. Inevitably, there is competition to succeed in it. While such a competition is not bad in itself, the undesirable consequence is that in the mad rush to solve problems, the educative value of a problem is often lost. The thought process of students is thus skewed into solving problems (mostly by analogy) without thoroughly understanding the basic concepts lying behind the problems and without a corresponding development of the thinking ability. Consequently, they are often unable to offer logical negation of a statement, even though they are intellectually capable of it.

This book is an attempt to lay before students both the concepts as well as the process of solving problems at the JEE. The problem have been collected mostly from JEE papers ranging over a period of two decades. The thrust is not so much on solving the problems as in the assimilation of the theory behind them and learning a few related new concepts. The solutions then come as natural corollaries. The book also contains some helpful tips aimed at sharpening the thinking ability and increasing the mathematical maturity of the student. New problems and an occasional new solution to an existing problem were added in the second edition. In this edition, two appendices, one on matrices and the other on solid coordinate geometry, have been added in view of the changes in JEE syllabus. Further, all the errors in the earlier two editions, listed as errata in the author’s blog, have been corrected, and occasionally, a new solution to an existing problem has been included.

K D Joshi obtained his PhD in mathematics from Indiana University in USA in 1972. He taught mathematics at IIT Bombay from 1975 to 2013 and was involved with the conduct of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) for over two decades. Currently, he is Adjunct Faculty, Department of Mathematics, College of Engineering, Pune. He has many books to his credit, one of which is Calculus for Scientists and Engineers published by Narosa Publishing House in 2002.

Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Disclaimer about JEE

Part -I Precalculus Mathematics
1 Counting Problems
2 Basic Algebra
3 Theory Of Equations
4 Number Theory
5 Binomial Identities
6 Inequalities
7 Trigonometric Identities
8 Geometry
9 Coordinate Geometry
10 Trigonometric Equations
11 Solution Of Triangles
12 Heights And Distances
Answers to exercises in Part - I

Part -II Calculus, Vectors, Probability, Review
13 Maxima, Minima And Concavity
14 Trigonometric Optimisation
15 Limits, Continuity and Derivatives
16 Theoretical Calculus
17 Areas and Antiderivatives
18 Definite Integrals
19 Differential Equations
20 Functional Equations and Relations
21 Vectors
22 Finitistic Probability
23 Infinitistic Probability
24 Miscellaneous Tips and Review
Answers to exercises in Part - II

Appendix 1 More on matrices
Appendix 2 Solid coordinate geometry

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