Civil Engineering Contracts and Estimates
B S Patil
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

Civil Engineering Contracts and Estimates, Fourth Edition, combines in a single book, two important sections of Civil Engineering—Contracts and Estimates. In this edition, the rates and costs have been updated to bring them on par with the rates prevailing in 2014–15. Online tendering has been included to bring the book up to date. This edition contains everything that engineering faculty and students, as well as fresh engineers commencing their career in the field need know about the subject. Section I (Civil Engineering Contracts) presents an introduction to the legal aspects involved right from the tender stage up to planning. Section II (Civil Engineering Estimates) provides the basic framework which enables the reader to accurately estimate the costs of projects by using the method of measurement of works.

B S Patil is a contracts and arbitration consultant based at Pune. He has had a distinguished academic and professional career. He has gained wide experience in the planning and supervision of construction projects and in the preparation of legal documents related to engineering projects. He was a member of the Board of Studies in Civil Engineering, Marathwada University, Aurangabad. He is the author of two other books and several articles in engineering journals.

Preface to the Fourth Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Section I: Preface to the First Edition
Section II: Preface to the First Edition
SECTION I Civil Engineering Contracts
1. Introduction 
2. The Law of Contract
3. The Tender 
4. Contract Documents 
5. Contract for Engineering and Architectural Services 
6. Contract between Owner and Contractor 
7. Conditions of Contract 
8. Specifications 
9. Contract Organisation and Management 
10. The PWD Procedure of Executing a Project 

SECTION II Civil Engineering Estimates
1. Approximate Estimates 
2. Valuation 
3. General Principles of Taking out Quantities 
4. Methods of Taking out Quantities 
5. Excavation and Foundation 
6. Concrete 
7. Stone Masonry and Brickwork 
8. Doors and Windows 
9. Roofs
10. Floors and Pavings
11. Plastering and Pointing
12. Stairs
13. Plumbing, Drains and Sanitary Fittings
14. Electrical Work
15. Structural Steelwork
16. Measurement of Earthwork
17. Squaring the Dimensions
18. Abstracting and Bill of Quantities
19. Factors Affecting Cost of any Work
20. Analysis of Rates
Estimates I: A Two-Storeyed Residential Building (Drawings included)
Estimates II: A Two Span Arch Bridge (Drawings enclosed)
Estimates III: Estimates of Earthwork and Roads
Estimates IV: Estimates of Canals
Estimates V: Estimates of Railway Track

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