Engineering Physics
Sanjay D Jain, Girish G Sahasrabudhe
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

Engineering Physics has been conceived to develop a coherent, comprehensive and practical view of physics among engineering students. This will help them to develop fundamental ways of thinking and inventing in their future engineering practice. The book attempts to break the monotony of just stating theoretical concepts by examining the historical development of the subject, to show interesting links between the various topics. Theory and experiment are integrated and learning through scientific method is emphasized by seeking agreement between theory and experiment. Numerical problems are included at appropriate places to offer quantitative appreciation of parameters involved. Charts are used to facilitate comparative learning of topics that share the same unifying and founding aspects. Applications of each topic are discussed at the end of the chapter to give an idea of how engineering grows through the utilitarian translation of discoveries and concepts in physics. A new chapter on nanophysics has been included, with additional exercises in key chapters.

Sanjay D Jain is Head, Knowledge Center of Priyadarshini Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur. He has been teaching engineering physics and researching in the area of nonlinear elastic and acoustic properties of solids for the last twenty-four years. He has published several research papers in leading international journals and has contributed papers to international conferences.
Girish G Sahasrabudhe is Professor of Physics, Shri Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru Engineering College, Nagpur. He obtained his doctoral degree in physics from IIT Bombay, Mumbai, for his work on theory of permutation and unitary groups in many-body problems. He has been teaching physics for the last twenty-six years and has set up a MATHEMATICA lab in which educational material is developed.

1. Physics and Engineering
1.1. The Story of Physics and Engineering
1.2. Learning Physics
1.3. Theory
1.4. Experiment
1.4.1. Least Count and Range
1.4.2. Error Analysis
1.4.3. Significant Figures
1.4.4. Method of Least Squares
1.5. Seeking Agreement between Theory and Experiment
1.6. Applications
2. What is Light?
2.1. The Story of Light
2.2. Geometrical and Physical Optics
2.3. Wave Equation and Wave Parameters
2.4. Light as an ElectromagneticWave
2.5. Applications
3. Interference
3.1. The Story of Interference of LightWaves
3.2. Superposition of Waves
3.3. Coherence
3.4. Interference
3.4.1. Procedure for Studying Interference
3.4.2. Interference in Different Cases
3.5. Applications
3.5.1. Measurement of Length
3.5.2. Measurement of Refractive Index
3.5.3. Nonreflecting/ High reflecting Films
3.5.4. Test of Flatness of a Surface
3.5.5. Interference Filters
4. Diffraction
4.1. The Story of Diffraction
4.2. The Phenomenon of Diffraction
4.3. Diffraction at Slits
4.3.1. Single Slit
4.3.2. Double Slit
4.3.3. Multiple Slits
4.4. Applications
5. Polarisation
5.1. The Story of Polarisation
5.2. Types of Polarisation
5.3. Why Natural Light is Unpolarised
5.4. Production of Plane Polarised Light
5.4.1. Selective Absorption
5.4.2. Polarisation by Reflection
5.4.3. Polarisation by Scattering
5.4.4. Polarisation by Double Refraction
5.5. Huygen’sModel of Double Refraction and Production of Elliptically and Circularly Polarised Light
5.6. Analysis of Polarised Light
5.7. Applications
5.7.1. Applications of Polarising Devices
5.7.2. Applications of Birefringence
5.7.3. Applications of Optical Activity
6. Quantum Physics
6.1. The Story of Quantum Physics
6.2. Planck’s Quantum Theory
6.3. Photoelectric Effect
6.4. Compton Effect
6.5. Comparison of Photoelectric Effect and Compton Effect
6.6. Wave–Particle Duality of Radiation and Concept of Matter Waves
6.7. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
6.8. Wave Function   
6.9. Schrodinger’s Equation
6.10. Applications
7. Atomic Physics
7.1. The Story of Atomic Physics
7.2. Atomic Spectra
7.3. Bohr’s Theory
7.4. Application of Quantum Mechanics to Hydrogen Atom
7.4.1. Application of de Broglie’s Theory
7.4.2. Application of Uncertainty Principle
7.4.3. Schrodinger Equation for Hydrogen Atom
7.5. Quantum Numbers and the Periodic Table
7.6. Xray Spectra
7.7. Applications
8. Nuclear Physics
8.1. The Story of Nuclear Physics
8.2. Atomic Nucleus
8.2.1. Nuclear Structure
8.2.2. Nuclear Force
8.2.3. Nuclear Binding Energy
8.2.4. Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Moment
8.3. Radioactivity
8.3.1. Radioactive Decay Law
8.3.2. Nuclear Reactions
8.3.3. Detection of Nuclear Radiation
8.4. Nuclear Models and Spectroscopy
8.4.1. Liquid Drop Model
8.4.2. Shell Model
8.4.3. Spectroscopy
8.4.4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
8.5. Applications
8.5.1. Applications of Fission and Fusion
8.5.2. Applications of Radioactivity
8.5.3. Applications in Medical Diagnostics
8.5.4. Harmful Effects of Radiation
9. Structure and Properties of Matter
9.1. The Story of Matter
9.2. Bonding
9.3. Bonding in Solids
9.3.1. Ionic Crystals
9.3.2. Covalent Crystals
9.3.3. Metallic Crystals
9.3.4. Van der Waals Crystals
9.3.5. Hydrogen Bonded Crystals
9.4. Crystal Structure
9.5. Miller Indices
9.6. Determination of Crystal Structure by Xray Diffraction
9.7. Materials and their Properties
9.8. Applications
10. Dielectric and Magnetic Materials
10.1. The Story of Dielectric and Magnetic Materials
10.2. Electromagnetism in Materials
10.3. Microscopic Models of Polarisation and Magnetisation
10.3.1. Electronic Polarisation and Diamagnetism 320
10.3.2. Ionic Polarisation
10.3.3. Orientational Polarisation and Paramagnetism
10.4. Internal Field
10.5. Ferroelectricity, Ferromagnetism and Related Phenomena
10.5.1. Hysteresis
10.5.2. Curie-Weiss Law
10.5.3. Spontaneous Polarisation/Magnetisation
10.5.4. Ferromagnetic Domains
10.5.5. Electrostriction, Piezoelectricity and Magnetostriction
10.5.6. Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism
10.6. Classification of Materials
10.7. Applications
10.7.1. Dielectric Materials
10.7.2. Magnetic Materials
11. Conductors, Semiconductors and Superconductors
11.1. The Story of Conductors
11.2. Free Electron Theory of Metals
11.3. Formation of Energy Bands in Solids
11.3.1. Origin of Forbidden Bands in Solids
11.3.2. Effective Mass
11.4. Fermi Energy and Fermi Level
11.5. Semiconductors: Intrinsic and Extrinsic
11.6. Superconductivity
11.7. Applications
12. Diodes and Transistors
12.1. The Story of Diodes and Transistors
12.2. p-n Junction Diode
12.3. Transistor
12.4. Applications
13. Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields
13.1. The Story of Charged Particles in Motion
13.2. Motion Under a Force
13.3. Motion of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields
13.4. Motion of Charged Particles in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields
13.5. Electron Optics
13.5.1. Electrostatic Lens
13.5.2. Magnetostatic Lens
13.5.3. Comparison with Optical Lens
13.6. Applications
14. Lasers
14.1. The Story of Lasers
14.2. Introduction
14.2.1. Population Inversion
14.2.2. Metastable State
14.2.3. Pumping
14.2.4. Basic Laser Action
14.2.5. Resonator
14.3. Different Types of Lasers
14.4. Characteristics of Laser Light
14.4.1. Coherence and Monochromaticity
14.4.2. Directionality
14.4.3. Intensity
14.5. Semiconductor Photonic Devices
14.5.1. LED
14.5.2. Laser Diode
14.6. Applications
14.6.1. Applications in Measurement
14.6.2. Applications in Information Processing
14.6.3. Applications in Industry
14.6.4. Applications in Medicine
14.6.5. Applications in Defence
15. Fibre Optics
15.1. The Story of Fibre Optics
15.2. Total Internal Reflection
15.3. Structure of an Optical Fibre
15.4. Propagation of Light
15.5. Wave Optics: Modes
15.6. Attenuation
15.6.1. Loss Mechanisms
15.7. Signal Distortion
15.7.1. Mechanisms of Dispersion
15.7.2. Measure of Dispersion
15.8. Fibre Optic Communication Systems
15.9. Applications
15.9.1. Advantages of the Fibre Optic Systems
15.9.2. Optical Fibre Sensors
15.9.3. Medical Applications
15.9.4. Applications in Communications and Information Technology
16. Acoustics
16.1. The Story of Acoustics
16.2. Fundamentals of Vibrations
16.3. SoundWaves and their Characteristics
16.3.1. Wave Equation
16.3.2. Velocity
16.3.3. Displacement Amplitude and Pressure Amplitude
16.3.4. Intensity
16.3.5. Sound Level
16.3.6. Loudness Level
16.3.7. Pitch
16.3.8. Quality/Timbre
16.4. Mechanisms of Speech and Hearing
16.5. Classical Ray Theory
16.6. Ultrasonics
16.7. Applications
17. Introduction to Nanotechnology
17.1. Introduction
17.2. Preparation of Nanomaterials
17.3. Characterisation and Measurement
17.3.1. Scanning Probe Microscopy
17.3.2. Electron Microscopy
17.3.3. Characterisation Tools as Fabrication Tools
17.4. Fullerenes, Graphene and Cargon Nanotubes
17.5. Properties and Applications
17.5.1. Confinement
17.5.2. Electrical Properties
17.5.3. Optical Properties
17.5.4. Magnetic Properties
17.5.5. Elastic Properties
17.5.6. More Applications

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