Gandhi: In His Time and Ours
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In this book, David Hardiman examines Gandhi as the creator of a radical style of politics which has proved effective in fighting insidious social divisions within India and, at various times, elsewhere in the world. How did Gandhi create this new form of politics? Hardiman shows its basis within Gandhi’s larger vision of an alternative society based on mutual respect, lack of exploitation, non-violence, and ecological harmony. The practice of such a politics entailed personal and institutional experiments in relation to his opponents, who ranged from British colonials to Indian advocates of violent resistance, from right-wing religious leaders and upholders of caste privilege to communists, socialists, and Dalits. Various key issues in Gandhi’s life and legacy are also examined. Gandhi’s sexuality and his programme for women are looked at in the light of feminist critiques. Gandhi’s inconsistencies, mistakes and failures (for example as husband and father) are carefully scrutinised.
DAVID HARDIMAN is based at the University of Warwick. He is a founder member of the Subaltern Studies group.
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