The Many Faces of Political Islam: Religion and Politics in Muslim Societies
Mohammed Ayoob and Danielle N. Lussier
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Permanent Black

Analysts and pundits from across the political spectrum describe Islamic fundamentalism as one of the greatest threats to modern democracy. Yet very few scholars have ventured an accurate definition of political Islam. The Many Faces of Political Islam thoroughly analyses the many facets of this political ideology and shows its impact on global relations.

In the words of one reviewer, “Remarkable in scope, the book’s major contribution is its successful marriage of a compelling, theoretically sound general argument with a wide array of specific cases synthesizing the best work by specialists. Rather than offering a string of discrete, disconnected summaries of Islamist activity in various far-flung places, the book makes an exceptionally well-integrated argument about the national origins of Islamism. Its clever comparisons are designed to advance the larger claim while shedding light on the particular cases.”

Although aimed at students and non-specialist readers, this book’s argument is sophisticated and convincing, supported with empirical detail and presented in clear prose. It debunks pernicious myths, makes a clear case, and dispels a number of widely held misconceptions about Islam.

Mohammed Ayoob is University Distinguished Emeritus Professor of International Relations at Michigan State University, and Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Policy, in Washington, DC. He was the Founder-Coordinator of the Muslim Studies Program at Michigan State University from 2006 to 2012.

Danielle N. Lussier is Associate Professor of Political Science at Grinnell College.

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