Intelligent Transportation Systems
R Srinivasa Kumar
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

Intelligent Transportation Systems caters to the new syllabus proposed by the AICTE for the UG course in civil engineering as an Elective/Open elective as well as for PG students (ME/M.Tech, Transportation Engineering) as an elective course in most universities, institutions and colleges in India. Detailed discussions on data collection strategies, technologies used and case studies on ITS-architecture adopted by some countries, enhance the reader’s knowledge about ITS deployments in different parts of the world. It provides an overview of ITS implementation in the developed and developing countries. ITS-architecture dealing with the fascinating layered structure with respect to institutions, transportation and communication is explained at the local, regional and national levels with examples. Sufficient details on data collection, communication technologies and implementation, particularly in the context of delivering information to road users, are highlighted. 
Salient features

  • The ITS concepts are explained clearly in simple terms.
  • It is descriptive and well supported with illustrations, apt photographs and flow charts.
  • All the major components of ITS are covered.
  • Many examples of ITS applications in developed countries are provided. Applications in Asian countries are also described.
  • ITS-architecture based on the Indian scenario and the forward strides that our country has taken in this regard, are discussed.
  • Self-assessment questions and MCQs are provided in each chapter to enhance learning and help in easy recall of the concepts.

Dr R Srinivasa Kumar is Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania University. He has a BE in civil engineering, and ME and PhD degrees in transportation engineering. He was awarded the Indian Roads Congress Commendation Certificate for the best research paper published in the IRC Journal (2001–02). He was a member of the State of Uttar Pradesh for the PMGSY while working at BHU, UP, Varanasi. He is also working as a consultant on various projects related to traffic impact assessment, traffic analysis, road safety, materials testing, pavement design, pavement evaluation and maintenance.

He has authored six other textbooks for Universities Press—Transportation Engineering Introduction to Traffic Engineering, Pavement Evaluation and Maintenance Management System, Transportation Engineering (Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbours), Pavement Design and Textbook of Highway Engineering.



Chapter 1 Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Chapter 2 Data Collection Techniques and Sensors

Chapter 3 Data Requirements for ITS: Communication Technologies

Chapter 4 Functional Areas of ITS—The Services

Chapter 5 ITS-Architecture and Deployment Planning

Chapter 6 ITS Applications

Annexure A Case Study on TRAZER SOFTWARE


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