Companion to Planning in the Global South
Gautam Bhan, Smita Srinivas, Vanessa Watson
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

The Companion to Planning in the Global South offers a collection of essays on planning in parts of the world which, more often than not, are unrecognised or unmarked in mainstream planning texts. This edition is particularly timely for a South Asian audience, given the emerging debates on cities and urbanization in India, as well as on both planning practice and education. The global South is home to much of the urbanization of the 21st century; and the need of the hour is no longer to fill a ‘gap’ that leaves this ‘mainstream’ unquestioned, but to re-theorise planning from these geographies and from a commitment to diverse modes of practice.

The five sections of this book discuss planning and the state; economy and economic actors; new drivers of urban change; landscapes of citizenship; and planning pedagogy

The chapters in each section are not generalised, ‘universal’ analyses and prescriptions, but instead are critical and located reflections in thinking about how to plan, act and intervene in highly complex city, regional and national contexts. The contributing authors to this Companion are all planners of very different kinds, and this diversity ensures a rich variety of insights, primarily based on cases, to emphasise the complexity of the world in which planning is expected to happen.

This volume will be of interest to urbanists, planners, urban economists, sociologists and environmental scientists, as well as practitioners across a range of urban sectors wishing to engage with new planning theory and practice from India and across the global South.

Gautam Bhan is Lead, Academics and Research, at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangalore. He is the author of In the Public’s Interest: Evictions, Citizenship and Inequality in Contemporary Delhi (2016).

Smita Srinivas is an economic development scholar. She is Visiting Professor of Economics and IKD Centre, Open University, UK, and Senior Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Vanessa Watson is professor of city planning at the University of Cape Town (South Africa) and is a Fellow of this University.

Table of Contents:
List of figures
List of tables
List of contributors
Gautam Bhan, Smita Srinivas and Vanessa Watson

Planning and/as the state
1 Spatial rationalities and the possibilities for planning in the New Urban Agenda for Sustainable Development
Clive Barnett and Susan Parnell
2 Growth and inclusion in the mega-cities of India, South Africa and Brazil
Patrick Heller
3 Urban planning at a crossroads: a critical assessment of Brazil’s City Statute, 15 years later
Edesio Fernandes
4 African urbanisation and democratisation: public policy, planning and public administration dilemmas
Dele Olowu
5 Data on rapidly growing cities: lessons from planning and public policies for housing precarity in Brazil
Eduardo Marques
6 A ‘peripheries’ view of planning failures in Kolkata and Hyderabad in India
Sudeshna Mitra

Economy and economic actors
7 Urbanisation and development: reinforcing the foundations
Ivan Turok
8 Planning Special Economic Zones in China
Qianqi Shen
9 Planning in the midst of informality: an application to youth employment programmes in Egypt
Ragui Assaad
10 No global South in economic development
Smita Srinivas
11 The informal economy in cities of the global South: challenges to the planning lexicon
Caroline Skinner and Vanessa Watson
12 Urban finance: strengthening an overlooked foundation of urban planning
Paul Smoke

New drivers of change: ecology, infrastructure and technology
13 Urban climate adaptation in the global South: justice and inclusive development in a new planning domain
Eric Chu, Isabelle Anguelovski and Debra Roberts
14 Social-environmental dilemmas of planning an ‘ecological civilisation’ in China
Jia-Ching Chen
15 Open space provision and environmental preservation strategies: a case study in Brazil
Mônica A. Haddad
16 Cities, planning and urban food poverty in Africa
Jane Battersby
17 Technology and spatial governance in cities of the global South
Nancy Odendaal
18 Balancing accessibility with aspiration: challenges in urban transport planning in the global South
Anjali Mahendra

Landscapes of citizenship
19 ‘Terra nullius’ and planning: land, law and identity in Israel/Palestine
Oren Yiftachel
20 The intent to reside: residence in the auto-constructed city
Gautam Bhan, Amlanjyoti Goswami and Aromar Revi
21 Living as logistics: tenuous struggles in the remaking of collective urban life
AbdouMaliq Simone
22 Informal worker organising and mobilisation: linking global with local advocacy
Chris Bonner, Françoise Carré, Martha Alter Chen and Rhonda Douglas
23 Is there a typical urban violence?
Fernando M. Carrión and Alexandra Velasco
24 Urban upgrading to reduce violence in informal settlements: the case of violence prevention through urban upgrading (VPUU) in Monwabisi Park, Cape Town, South Africa
Mercy Brown-Luthango and Elena Reyes
25 Starting from here: challenges in planning for better health care in Tanzania
Maureen Mackintosh and Paula Tibandebage

Planning pedagogies
26 Learning from the city: a politics of urban learning in planning
Colin McFarlane
27 Campus in Camps: knowledge production and urban interventions in refugee camps
Alessandro Petti

 28 At the coalface, take 3: re-imagining community–university engagements from here
Tanja Winkler
29 Co-learning the city: towards a pedagogy of poly-learning and planning praxis
Adriana Allen, Rita Lambert and Christopher Yap
30 Learning to learn again: restoring relevance to development experiments through a whole systems approach
Jigar Bhatt

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