Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. V, 1931–35
Shakti Sinha, Ravi K. Mishra and Narendra Shukla (Eds.)
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

The present volume is the fifth in a series of ten volumes of the Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari being published in association with Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.

This volume traces Rajaji’s political journey from his release from imprisonment in 1931 to his eventual inability to take up the Presidentship of the Indian National Congress in 1935, as he recovered from ill-health following a series of arrests. By this time, the civil disobedience had been called off and the Congress was looking towards representation in legislatures. Rajaji’s extensive campaigns in Madras helped the national party to secure a resounding victory in the Central Legislative Assembly elections.

The letters, articles, statements, speeches and interviews that comprise this volume throw further light on the finer details of Rajaji’s convictions and his political career. The Poona Pact and temple entry satyagraha are given particular emphasis, reinforcing his concern with and investment in the upliftment of untouchables. Resolute in his involvement with civil resistance, Rajaji continued to engage with colonial authorities during the Swadeshi and boycott movement.

Similarly, prohibition of consumption of all sorts of alcoholic substances and Hindi prachar constituted a significant part of Rajaji’s discourse and activism during the period under discussion. The volume concludes with his reflections on the Gandhian era and on Congress’ work towards attaining Swaraj.

This volume is a collector’s edition that will be a useful tool of reference on the life of Rajaji. It narrates a very important phase in the history of India’s struggle for freedom, making it a reference for scholars, researchers, academics, and lay readers studying the Indian national movement.

Shakti Sinha is Director, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.

Ravi K. Mishra is Deputy Director, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.

Narendra Shukla is Head, Research and Publications Division, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.

1. Views on Premier’s Offer 28 January 1931
2. Statement on Motilal Nehru’s Demise 6 February 1931
3. Statement on Gandhi–Irwin Settlement 7 March 1931
4. Tribute to K. T. Paul [1 April 1931]
5. Circular for Congress Workers 22 April 1931
6. Appeal for Constructive Work 22 April 1931
7. Letter to Harihar Sharma 28 April 1931
8. Message to Foreign Cloth Dealers 8 May 1931
9. Appeal for Funds 18 May 1931
10. Appeal to Support Handloom 18 May 1931
11. Letter to Robert McCarrison 19 May 1931
12. Telegram to L. R. Guruswami Naidu 20 May 1931
13. Letter to Kamakshi Natarajan 21 May 1931
14. Letter to Ram Nath Chopra 29 May 1931
15. Statement on Tiruppur Incident 30 May 1931
16. Letter to Dr. T. S. S. Rajan 31 May 1931
17. An Appeal regarding Delhi Agreement 3 June 1931 and Picketing
18. Letter to Sangu Ganesan 8 June 1931
19. Letter to the Chief Secretary, Government 19 June 1931 of Madras
20. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 19 June 1931 of Madras
21. Impressions about Picketing in Madras 20 June 1931 Presidency
22. Comments on Picketing and Subordinate 22 June 1931 Officials
23. Letter to Jairamdas Doulatram 22 June 1931
24. Letter to Mary J. Campbell 22 June 1931
25. Address at Masulipatam 24 June 1931
26. Letter to Lilavati Munshi 29 June 1931
27. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 29 June 1931
28. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi (Extract) 29 June 1931
29. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 30 June 1931 of Madras
30. Letter to the Chief Secretary, Government 1 July 1931 of Madras
31. Letter to Dr. M. K. Sambasivan 1 July 1931
32. Letter to the Chief Secretary, Government 1 July 1931 of Madras
33. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 2 July 1931
34. Letter to Maharaja of Mysore 2 July 1931
35. Clarification on Vitamin Value of Toddy 2 July 1931
36. Appeal for Congress Membership 4 July 1931
37. Appeal to the Congress Committees 5 July 1931
38. Facts regarding Vitamin in Toddy 6 July 1931
39. Telegram to Mahatma Gandhi 14 July 1931
40. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 19 July 1931 of Madras
41. Statement on Prohibition in Pollachi 19 July 1931
42. Letter to Chandrasekharendra Saraswati 20 July 1931 Svamigal
43. Statement on Peasants’ Distress 20 July 1931
44. Statement on Release of Moplah Prisoners 20 July 1931
45. Statement on Toddy Auction 20 July 1931
46. Views on Alexander Ranken Cox’s Statement 20 July 1931
47. Letter to the Chief Secretary, Government 22 July 1931 of Madras
48. Letter to the Secretary, Kerala Provincial 23 July 1931 Congress Committee
49. Statement on Congress Membership in 24 July 1931 Tamil Nadu
50. Picketing in Tanjore: Appeal 29 July 1931
51. Statement on Picketing of Liquor Shop Auctions 31 July 1931
52. Letter to the District Magistrate, Tanjore 4 August 1931
53. Appeal to the Bidders 7 August 1931
54. Critics Answered 9 August 1931
55. Letter to Wine and General Merchants, 9 August 1931 Coimbatore
56. Clarification on Clause 20 of Gandhi–Irwin Pact 11 August 1931
57. Circular for South India 12 August 1931
58. Statement on Renters’ Assurance 13 August 1931
59. Advice to Picketers 14 August 1931
60. Statement on Conjeevaram Prohibitory Order 16 August 1931
61. Appeal to the Trustees of Sri Parthasarathi 16 August 1931 Temple, Madras
62. Interview to a Representative of Bombay 17 August 1931 Chronicle
63. Letter to Dr. T. S. S. Rajan 20 August 1931
64. Statement on Change in Government 25 August 1931
65. Letter to Muhammad Usman 29 August 1931
66. Speech at Volunteers’ Rally 29 August 1931
67. Letter to the Chief Secretary, Government 30 August 1931 of Madras
68. Comment on Order of Sub-magistrate of 30 August 1931 Kuppam
69. Statement on Breaches of Regulations 30 August 1931
70. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 1 September 1931 of Madras
71. Letter to M. C. Rajah 1 September 1931
72. Letter to M. Srinivasachariar 7 September 1931
73. Letter to M. Bhaktavatsalam 7 September 1931
74. Letter to Messrs P. S. Govindaswami 8 September 1931 Naidu & Sons
75. Letter to A. Kaleswara Rao 8 September 1931
76. Statement on Anti-drink Campaign 8 September 1931
77. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 8 September 1931 of Madras
78. Letter to the Press 8 September 1931
79. A Danger to Peace: Article 10 September 1931
80. Magna Carta: Article 10 September 1931
81. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 11 September 1931
82. Statement on Picketing Campaign 12 September 1931
83. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel 13 September 1931
84. Letter to the Secretary, Central Board of 13 September 1931 Revenue, Simla
85. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 14 September 1931 of Madras
86. Comments on Tahsildar’s Circular on 16 September 1931 Anti-drink Campaign
87. Breaches of Pact: Notes 17 September 1931
88. A New Press Act: Article 17 September 1931
89. Letter to M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar 17 September 1931
90. Appeal to the Government Servants 18 September 1931
91. Statement on Anti-drink Campaign 22 September 1931
92. Views on Khadi vs. Swadeshi 22 September 1931
93. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 24 September 1931
94. The Right to Give up Drink: Article 24 September 1931
95. Beware of Corruption: Article 24 September 1931
96. Letter to P. S. Sivaswamy Aiyar 25 September 1931
97. Statement on the Congress and Government 26 September 1931
98. Letter to A. Kaleswara Rao and M. 27 September 1931 Ananthasayanam Ayyangar
99. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 27 September 1931 of Madras
100. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 27 September 1931 of Madras
101. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 28 September 1931 of Madras
102. Letter to A. Kaleswara Rao 28 September 1931
103. Appeal for Gandhi Birthday Week 30 September 1931
104. Letter to the Managing Director, Messrs 30 September 1931 Stanes & Co.
105. Amended Press Bill: Article 1 October 1931
106. Indirect Election: Article 1 October 1931
107. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 1 October 1931 of Madras
108. Notes 1 October 1931
109. Save the Handloom: Article 4 October 1931
110. Letter to A. Vaidyanatha Iyer 6 October 1931
111. Letter to A. Vaidyanatha Iyer 7 October 1931
112. Letter to Mahadev Desai 7 October 1931
113. Letter to N. S. R. Iyengar 7 October 1931
114. Statement on Textile Mills 8 October 1931
115. Views on Federal Finance and Prohibition 9 October 1931
116. Letter to S. Muthulakshmi Reddi 10 October 1931
117. Letter to A. Vaidyanatha Iyer 14 October 1931
118. Letter to H. W. Emerson 15 October 1931
119. Is It a Waste: Article 15 October 1931
120. A Question for Experts 15 October 1931
121. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru 16 October 1931
122. Letter to the Managing Director, Messrs 16 October 1931 Stanes & Co.
123. Statement on Madura Lathi Charge 16 October 1931
124. Letter to A. Vaidyanatha Iyer 16 October 1931
125. Letter to M. A. Ansari 17 October 1931
126. Statement on Public House Licences 18 October 1931
127. Letter to the Editor, Hindu 18 October 1931
128. Letter to the Private Secretary, Governor 19 October 1931 of Madras
129. Letter to M. Bhaktavatsalam 19 October 1931
130. Real Minority Protection: Article 22 October 1931
131. Letter to the Press 22 October 1931
132. Letter to Mahadev Desai 23 October 1931
133. Views on B. R. Ambedkar and Drink Evil 23 October 1931
134. A Bishop’s Advice: Note 29 October 1931
135. Is it Coercion: Note 29 October 1931
136. Deepavali and Khaddar: Appeal 31 October 1931
137. Letter to S. Satyamurti 2 November 1931
138. Letter to K. Kelappan 2 November 1931
139. Letter to A. Vaidyanatha Iyer 2 November 1931
140. Letter to S. Satyamurti 3 November 1931
141. Views on Excise Policy in Madras 5 November 1931
142. The Outrages: Article 5 November 1931
143. The Hijli Atrocities: Note 5 November 1931
144. Letter regarding Swadeshi Cloth 8 November 1931
145. Letter to the Revenue Secretary, Government 12 November 1931 of Madras
146. Letter to K. Bashyam Iyengar 12 November 1931
147. Repression in Mysore: Article 12 November 1931
148. Letter to Robert McCarrison 12 November 1931
149. Clause 19 in Madras: Article 12 November 1931
150. The War against Drink: Article 12 November 1931
151. Municipal Sweepers: Article 12 November 1931
152. Letter to A. Vaidyanatha Iyer 12 November 2001
153. Letter to S. V. Rajaram Iyengar 15 November 1931
154. Letter to K. Bashyam Iyengar 16 November 1931
155. Letter to Moulana Sheikh Abdul Khadir Saheb 19 November 1931
156. What the Millions Want: Article 19 November 1931
157. Letter to Srimathi Jannammal 22 November 1931
158. Letter to R. Krishnier 24 November 2001
159. Reverse Local Option: Article 26 November 1931
160. Indian Prohibition Manual [November 1931]
161. Letter to Dharmvir Vedalankar 1 December 1931
162. Letter to S. Venkataraman 1 December 1931
163. For Untouchability Bulletin 1 December 1931
164. Letter to Messrs Oakley Bowden & Co. Ltd. 2 December 1931
165. Letter to Prafulla Chandra Ghosh 2 December 1931
166. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru 2 December 1931
167. Finance Bill Certified: Note 3 December 1931
168. Statement on Protection for Khaddar 4 December 1931
169. Letter to S. A. Brelvi 5 December 1931
170. Letter to Venkatraman Aiyangar 5 December 1931
171. Letter to N. S. Vardachari 8 December 1931
172. Letter to N. S. Vardachari 8 December 1931
173. The Closing Chapter: Note 10 December 1931
174. Whither Riding: Article 10 December 1931
175. The Bengal Ordinance: Article 10 December 1931
176. Scurrilous Pensioners: Note 10 December 1931
177. Letter to Messrs Oakley Bowden & Co. Ltd. 11 December 1931
178. Letter to Kamladevi Chattopadhyay 12 December 1931
179. Letter to C. Basu Dev 14 December 1931
180. Letter to Grace D. Easterbrook 15 December 1931
181. Letter to C. H. V. Pathy 15 December 1931
182. Letter to Frederick Grubb 15 December 1931
183. The Untenable Claim: Article 17 December 1931
184. The Position in the United Provinces: Article 17 December 1931
185. Reply to the Public Addresses 20 December 1931
186. Letter to E. Krishnier 23 December 1931
187. Ruling over a Desert: Article 24 December 1931
188. Letter to S. Venkataraman 24 December 1931
189. Letter to the District Magistrate, Tinnevelly 25 December 1931
190. Tamil Nadu Congress Organisations 26 December 1931
191. Thanksgiving Programme: Appeal 28 December 1931
192. Government Welcome to Gandhiji: Article 31 December 1931
193. Letter to Ruth Evelyn Robinson 6 January 1932
194. Letter to Purushotamdas Thakurdas 6 January 1932
195. Statement in the Court 11 January 1932
196. Letter to Devadas Gandhi 9 July 1932
197. Appeal to Support Khadi Industry 29 July 1932
198. Views on Social Boycott 6 August 1932
199. Demonstrations of Weavers: Appeal 23 August 1932
200. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavachariar 30 August 1932
201. Interview on the Viceroy’s Speech 8 September 1932
202. All About Cricket 14 September 1932
203. Interview to a Representative of the Hindu 15 September 1932
204. Statement on Gandhiji’s Fast 17 September 1932
205. Significance of the Fast 19 September 1932
206. Statement on Need for Speedy Settlement 21 September 1932
207. Appeal to South India 24 September 1932
208. Appeal for Prayers 25 September 1932
209. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 12 October 1932
210. Appeal to Orthodoxy 15 October 1932
211. Statement on the Essence of the Agreement 19 November 1932
212. Statement on Mahatmaji and Guruvayur 22 November 1932
213. Statement on the Temple Question 24 November 1932
214. Statement on Harijan Problem 25 November 1932
215. Statement to the Press 29 November 1932
216. Statement on Guruvayur 29 November 1932
217. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 29 November 1932
218. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 30 November 1932
219. Significance of Gandhiji’s Fast 30 November 1932
220. Views on C. S. Ranga Iyer’s Bill 2 December 1932
221. Compromise Proposals on Kerala Temple Entry 3 December 1932
222. Statement on Referendum at Other Places 5 December 1932
223. Statement on Guruvayur and Zamorin’s 6 December 1932 Attitude
224. Reply to Critics 10 December 1932
225. Interview to the Associated Press 10 December 1932
226. Reply to Critics on Harijans and Temple Entry 21 December 1932
227. Great Chamars: Article 21 December 1932
228. Remarks on Sanatanist Secretary’s Error 27 December 1932
229. Scope of Measure Explained 28 December 1932
230. Statement on Mahatma Gandhi’s Fast 29 December 1932
231. Appeal for All-India Demonstration 31 December 1932
232. Telegram to Mahatma Gandhi 1 January 1933
233. New Year Message to South India 1 January 1933
234. Statement on Temple Entry and Poona Pact 2 January 1933
235. Appeal to Celebrate All-India Day 5 January 1933
236. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 6 January 1933
237. Statement on Gandhiji’s Proposed Fast 9 January 1933
238. Views on Emancipation of Harijans 14 January 1933
239. Legal Hurdles against Temple Entry 17 January 1933
240. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 18 January 1933
241. Statement on Guruvayur Referendum 19 January 1933
242. Statement on C. S. Ranga Iyer’s Bill 23 January 1933
243. Statement on Viceroy’s Announcement 24 January 1933
244. Statement on Temple Entry 30 January 1933
245. Statement to the Associated Press 6 February 1933
246. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 11 February 1933
247. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 12 February 1933
248. Statement on Government and Proposed 17 February 1933 Legislation
249. Statement regarding the Launching of 18 February 1933 Civil Disobedience
250. A Reply to Madan Mohan Malaviya 19 February 1933
251. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 25 February 1933
252. Statement to the Press 27 February 1933
253. Interview to a Representative of the Hindu 4 March 1933
254. Statement on South Indian Orthodoxy 11 March 1933
255. Reply to the Servant of India’s Appeal 15 March 1933
256. Letter to Agatha Harrison 31 March 1933
257. Views on Harijan Service 3 April 1933
258. Letter to Monica Whately 10 April 1933
259. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 11 April 1933
260. Letter to Monica Whately 12 April 1933
261. Khadi: Is It Over-doing? 17 April 1933
262. Ramanuja and Untouchability: Article 22 April 1933
263. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 23 April 1933
264. Letter to C. F. Andrews 24 April 1933
265. Letter to Sangu Ganesan 29 April 1933
266. Pro-liquor Lies: Comments 2 May 1933
267. Attempt to Dissuade Mahatma Gandhi Fails 5 May 1933
268. Interview to a Representative of the Hindu 7 May 1933
269. Statement on Release of Mahatma Gandhi 9 May 1933
270. Letter to Monica Whately 10 May 1933
271. Letter to the Press 11 May 1933
272. Letter to Mahadev Desai 15 May 1933
273. Letter to Agatha Harrison 30 May 1933
274. Letter to Kasturba Gandhi 3 June 1933
275. Harijans and Hindu Society: An Explanation 10 June 1933
276. Letter to Abul Kalam Azad 18 June 1933
277. Reply to the Government regarding Ban on 24 July 1933 Government Servants
278. Statement on Poona Decisions 19 August 1933
279. Sixty Years After: Felicitation on [August 1933] G. A. Natesan’s Birthday
280. Letter to N. K. Srinivasaraghavan 14 October 1933
281. Letter to P. Sankaran 16 November 1933
282. Homage to Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati [1933]
283. Letter to N. K. Srinivasaraghavan [1933]
284. Plighted Word [1933]
285. Tribute to A. Rangaswami Iyengar 9 February 1934
286. Letter to B. R. Ambedkar 6 March 1934
287. Letter to Mudurama Iyer and Rangachariar 7 March 1934
288. Letter to C. Anantachari 10 March 1934
289. Letter to Rajendra Prasad 10 March 1934
290. Letter to Ramachandra 11 March 1934
291. Letter to the Editor, Guardian 11 March 1934
292. Letter to Herbert Anderson 23 March 1934
293. The Citizen’s Duty: Article 24 March 1934
294. Letter to Herr Kurt Butow 25 March 1934
295. Letter to T. R. Venkatarama Sastriar 27 March 1934
296. Letter to C. V. Raman 28 March 1934
297. Letter to C. V. Raman 30 March 1934
298. Appeal for National Week Celebration 2 April 1934
299. Statement on Patna Decision 10 April 1934
300. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 11 April 1934
301. Interview to a Representative of the Hindu 11 April 1934
302. Letter to Rajendra Prasad 12 April 1934
303. Letter to A. P. Vasu Nambisan 16 April 1934
304. Interview to a Representative of the Hindu 17 April 1934
305. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 21 April 1934
306. Letter to Herr Kurt Butow 23 April 1934
307. Letter to Mathuradas Trikamji 24 April 1934
308. Letter to M. R. Masani 24 April 1934
309. Interview on the Buxor Incident 29 April 1934
310. Interview on Swarajya Party Conference 3 May 1934
311. Issue Before the Electorate: An Interview 21 May 1934
312. Letter to Madan Mohan Malaviya 25 May 1934
313. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 31 May 1934
314. Letter to Signor 2 June 1934
315. Letter to P. S. Nelliappan 4 June 1934
316. India Does Not Want “Skimmed Milk” 4 June 1934
317. Letter to Madan Mohan Malaviya 5 June 1934
318. Challenge to the Government 5 June 1934
319. Interview on the Congress and Council-entry 14 June 1934
320. Interview to a Representative of the Times 19 June 1934 of India
321. Letter to M. C. Rajah 21 June 1934
322. Interview to the Associated Press 30 June 1934
323. Statement on the Assembly Elections 13 July 1934
324. Letter to the Members of Madras Legislative 19 July 1934 Assembly
325. Statement on Muslims and Joint Electorates 2 August 1934
326. Gandhiji’s Message for the World 4 August 1934
327. Letter to Dr. T. S. S. Rajan 9 August 1934
328. Appeal to Voters for the Assembly Elections 11 August 1934
329. Letter to Dr. T. S. S. Rajan 14 August 1934
330. Appeal Not to Sacrifice the Prestige of 13 August 1934 the Congress
331. Statement on Congress and Temple-entry 16 August 1934
332. Ensuing Elections for the Legislative Assembly 16 August 1934
333. Letter to Shankerlal Banker 18 August 1934
334. Letter to Bidhan Chandra Roy 18 August 1934
335. Letter to Bhulabhai Jivanji Desai 30 August 1934
336. Letter to G. Ramachandran 30 August 1934
337. Letter to P. Subbarayan 6 September 1934
338. Interview to a Representative of the Hindu 6 September 1934
339. Reply to G. Krishnamachariar 13 September 1934
340. Letter to Bhulabhai Jivanji Desai 21 September 1934
341. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 28 September 1934
342. Statement on Congress and Electoral Rules 28 September 1934
343. Defence of Congress Opposition 29 September 1934
344. Presidential Address at Tamil Nadu Provincial 29 September 1934 Conference
345. Letter to K. Bashyam Iyengar 7 October 1934
346. Letter to V. Natesa Pandaram 8 October 1934
347. Letter to S. Venkataraman 8 October 1934
348. Statement on Congress Candidates and 9 October 1934 Disqualification Rules
349. Letter to Jamal Mohammed Saheb 13 October 1934
350. Statement on Radhabai Subbarayan’s 19 October 1934 Withdrawal
351. Simple Questions for Voters 6 November 1934
352. Congratulations to the Voters 12 November 1934
353. Letter to Bombay Chronicle and Free Press Journal 17 November 1934
354. Telegram to Bombay Sentinel [17 November 1934]
355. Statement on M. S. Aney’s Victory 19 November 1934
356. Interview to a Representative of the Hindu 20 November 1934
357. Letter to the General Secretary, Congress 8 December 1934 Parliamentary Board
358. Views on Liberals and Congress Decision 8 December 1934
359. Condemnation of Abdul Ghaffar Khan’s Arrest 8 December 1934
360. Letter to Dr. Mallayya 10 December 1934
361. Reasons for Rejecting the Report 14 December 1934
362. Joint Parliamentary Committee Report: Article 19 December 1934
363. Article on Mohammed Ali 20 December 1934
364. Letter to Rajendra Prasad 25 December 1934
365. Letter to the General Secretary, AICC 25 December 1934
366. Message to Tanjore Mirasdar Conference, 7 January 1935 Ayyampet
367. Views on Congress Policy in Legislatures 7 January 1935
368. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 11 January 1935
369. Letter to Rajendra Prasad 18 January 1935
370. Letter to Amritlal V. Thakkar 23 January 1935
371. Letter to T. R. Venkatarama Sastri 25 January 1935
372. Letter to Margaret Elizabeth Cousins 3 February 1935
373. Philosophy of Swadeshism: Inaugural Address 14 February 1935
374. Speech Delivered at a Public Meeting, Guntur 14 February 1935
375. Letter to Jugal Kishore Birla 19 February 1935
376. Letter to Rajendra Prasad 19 February 1935
377. Circular regarding National Museum 22 February 1935
378. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 27 February 1935
379. Draft Rules of New Congress Constitution 28 February 1935
380. Letter to Bhulabhai Jivanji Desai 9 March 1935
381. Letter to T. Prakasam 27 March 1935
382. Chittoor Bye-election: An Appeal to the Voters 29 March 1935
383. Election Manifesto 30 March 1935
384. Views on Utilisation of Harijan Fund 30 March 1935
385. Reply to the Raja of Bobbili 4 April 1935
386. Justice Party Programme: A Comparison with 5 April 1935 Karachi Resolutions
387. Letter to M. C. Rajah 6 April 1935
388. Vote for Congress: An Appeal 8 April 1935
389. A Repudiated Ministry: Uphold Electorate’s 11 April 1935 Right
390. Appeal for Congress Membership 11 April 1935
391. Letter to Rajendra Prasad 18 April 1935
392. Bye-election Results: Comments 19 April 1935
393. Letter to N. K. Srinivasaraghavan 20 April 1935
394. Views after Resignation 12 May 1935
395. Letter to Kishorilal G. Mashruwalla 23 May 1935
396. Letter to S. Satyamurti 24 May 1935
397. Letter to C. R. Reddy and Rukmani 24 May 1935 Lakshmipathi
398. Letter to Agatha Harrison 24 May 1935
399. Appeal to Support Khadi 4 July 1935
400. Letter to C. R. Reddy 25 July 1935
401. Letter to Rajendra Prasad 4 August 1935
402. Interview to a Representative of the Hindu 12 August 1935
403. Telegram to Rajendra Prasad 16 August 1935
404. Appeal on Congress Golden Jubilee 18 November 1935
405. Views on Ban on Municipalities 25 December 1935
406. Under the Congress Flag: Article 27 December 1935


Appendix I: The Indian National Congress [1932]

Appendix II: Joint Statement
1. Homage to G. S. Vidyarthi 1 March 1931
2. Report of the Fundamental Rights Committee 25 June 1931
3. An Appeal to the Public 15 September 1932
4. Statement on the Census and Referendum 25 December 1932
5. Extracts from The Nation’s Voice 15 April 1932
6. Statement on the Poona Suit and Assembly 24 February 1933

Appendix III: Reference Items
1. Provisional Settlement 5 March 1931
2. Gandhiji’s Instructions for Picketing 21 May 1931
3. Resolution No. VII: Release of Political 5–7 June 1931 Prisoners
4. Resolution No. XI: Relief to Agriculturalists 5–7 June 1931
5. A Memorandum 21 July 1931
6. Letter from the District Magistrate, Tanjore 24 July 1931
7. Letter from the Private Secretary, Governor 1 August 1931 of Madras
8. Proceedings of the Sub-magistrate, Kuppam 25 August 1931
9. Duty-free Salt 15 October 1931
10. The Shraddhanand Balidan: Article 17 December 1931
11. Circular to the Tamil Nadu Congress 24 December 1931 Committee
12. Draft Bill for the Assembly 30 November 1932
13. A Suggested Plan for the Modification of [1934] the Poona Pact

Appendix IV: Miscellaneous
1. Interview to a Representative of the Hindu 8 March 1933
2. Talks with Mahatma Gandhi 4 May 1933
3. Talks with C. Rajagopalachari 1 June 1933

Chronology (1931–1935)


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