The Languages of Goa, Volume 8, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
G. N. Devy (Chief Editor) and Madhavi Sardesai, Damodar Mauzo (Eds.)
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

This volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India (volume eight, part two) attempts a detailed discussion of Konkani and its variations. It is unique in that such an attempt to record this diversity hasn’t been made before. The volume sheds light on Konkani’s linguistic richness, its struggle to be recognised as a Scheduled Language, and the myriad influences that other languages like French, Portuguese and Marathi have had on it. Linguistic features are discussed and folktales, riddles, popular phrases and proverbs are provided for the reader to understand the language better.

G. N. Devy is the chief editor of the PLSI series. He taught at the Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda, till 1996 before leaving to set up the Bhasha Research Centre in Baroda and the Adivasi Akademi at Tejgadh. There, he worked towards conserving and promoting the languages and culture of indigenous and nomadic communities. Apart from being awarded the Padma Shree, he has received many awards for his work in literature and language conservation.

Madhavi Sardesai was a linguist, academic and the editor of the nationally acclaimed Konkani literary magazine Jaag. She had authored multiple books apart from authoring several other academic papers. Besides this, she also has some translations to her credit- Eka Vicharachi Jivit Katha was bestowed the Sahitya Akademi Translation award in 1998. Sardesai was Associate Professor in the Department of Konkani, University of Goa, till 2014 where she tirelessly worked for the cause of the Konkani language.

Damodar Mauzo is a novelist and short fiction writer, scriptwriter and critic. As an activist, he actively participated in Goa’s struggle for statehood and Konkani’s inclusion in the Eighth Schedule. He has over fifteen books to his credit. His 1983 Sahitya Akademi award-winning novel Karmelin has been translated into over a dozen languages. His story collection, translated into English as Teresa’s Man, was nominated for the Frank O’Connor International Prize in 2015.

The People’s Linguistic Survey of India
The National Editorial Collective
List of Volumes
A Nation Proud of Its Language Diversity: Chief Editor’s Introduction
Introduction to the Volume
Contributors to the Volume
An Appeal to Readers


1. Diglossia and Konkani Identity  
Madhavi Sardesai

2. The Konkani Language
Rocky V. Miranda

3. Konkani Grammar and Lexicon: Contribution of Missionaries ­
Rocky V. Miranda

4. Revival of Konkani: Important Milestones
Uday Bhembre

5. The Regional and Social Varieties of Konkani
Krupali Naik

6. Linguistic Richness on the Banks of River Mhadei
Prakash S. Pariekar

7. Konkani Variety of Pernem Taluka
Shashikant Punaji and Priyadarshini Tadkodkar

8. Saxxti Konkani
Edna Vaz Fernandes and Denis Vaz

9. Velip Variety of Konkani
Mohan Gaonkar

10. The World of Konkani Proverbs
Manohar Pai Dhungat
11. Contribution of Folk Tales to the Konkani Language
Dr. Jayanti Naik

12. Cultural Unity in Zagor and Sotryo
Shyam Verenkar

13. Konkani Literature
Damodar Mauzo

14. Konkani Theatre: A Perspective
Shridhar Kamat Bambolkar

15. Tiatr
Andre Rafael Fernandes

16. Christian Marathi Literature
S. M. Tadkodkar

17. Marathi in Goan Life
Narayan Desai

18. Padye Social Variety
Ruta Paradkar

19. Goan Urdu Konkani
Yusuf A. Sheikh and Aliya Shaikh

20. Portuguese Language in Goa
Maria do Ceu Barreto

21. The Place of the French Language in Goa
Edith Melo Furtado




Release Date : 19 Apr 2019 Venue : Bhasha Research and Publication Centre, at the Goa
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