Bharat mein Rajnitik Prakriya
Abhay Prasad Singh and Krishna Murari
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

This textbook has been designed to suit the requirements of the paper titled ‘Political Process in India’. This paper is being offered in undergraduate honours courses of political science under the CBCS curriculum followed across all universities in India.

This volume familiarises students with the working of the Indian state. In doing so, it discusses the functioning of important institutions such as the Election Commission, and how they have transformed over the years. The book will help students understand the political processes of independent India, and the various challenges thrown at it by communalism and the politics of secession, to name a few. It also charts the changing nature of the Indian state—from a developmental to a coercive state.  

The book covers the discussion on: Political Process in Contemporary India: Issues and Challenges; Political Parties and Party System; Election Commission and Electoral Reforms; Determinants of Voting Behaviour in India: Class, Caste, Gender and Religion; Regional Aspirations: The Politics of Secession and Accommodation; Religion and Politics : Minority and Majority Communalism; Secularism in India: Theory and Practice; Caste, Class and Patriarchy; Caste and Politics in India; Policies of Affirmative Action : Caste, Class and Women; Indian Democratic Developmental State and Welfare Regimes and Coercive Dimension of India State.

The volume has pedagogical features such as:

  1. Bibliography
  2. Index
  3. Glossary
  4. Keywords
  5. Endnotes

Abhay Prasad Singh is Associate Professor of Political Science, PG DAV College, University of Delhi. He also teaches post-graduate students at the Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi. He is a member of the Commission for Scientific & Technical Terminology (CSTT), Ministry of Human Resources Department (MHRD), Government of India; and was a Fellow with Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS) from 2000-2002.

Krishna Murari is a PhD from Delhi University. He is currently Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi. He has co-authored (along with Professor L. N. Sharma) Rajnitik Samajshastra. Orient BlackSwan published it in 2014.

The contributors to this volume are teaching faculty of Political Science. They teach in various colleges affiliated to University of Delhi—Sonu Kumar (ARSD College); Sushant Kumar Jha (Rajdhani College) Dipak Kumar Bhaskar (Daulat Ram College); Anurag Pandey (Dayal Singh College); Chanchal Kumar (JDM College); Rityusha Mani Tiwari (Saheed Bhagat Singh College); Abhishek Nath (Dayal Singh College); Neeraj Kumar (Delhi University); Geeta Sahare (Laxmibai College); Rahul Dev Mishra (Patna University); Ram Parvesh Saha (JNU).

भूमिका (Introduction)
पारिभाषिक शब्दावली (Glossary)

1. समकालीन भारत में राजनीतिक प्रक्रिया: मुद्दे और चुनौतियां
(Political Process in Contemporary India: Issues and Challenges)
Abhay Prasad Singh and Krishna Murari

2. राजनीतिक दल और दलीय प्रणाली
(Political Parties and Party System)
Krishna Murari

3. निर्वाचन आयोग एवं चुनाव सुधार
(Election Commission and Electoral Reforms)
Sonu Kumar and Rahul Dev Mishra

4. भारत में मतदान व्यवहार के निर्धारक तत्व: वर्ग, जाति, जेंडर व धर्म
(Determinants of Voting Behaviour in India: Class, Caste, Gender and Religion)
Sushant Kumar Jha

5. क्षेत्रीय आकांक्षाये: अलगाव की राजनीति और समायोजन
(Regional Aspirations: The Politics of Secession and Accommodation)
Mangal Dev Singh

6. धर्म और राजनीति: अल्पसंख्यक और बहुसंख्यक सांप्रदायिकता
(Religion and Politics: Minority and Majority Communalism)
Dipak Kumar Bhaskar and Ram Parvesh Saha

7. भारत में धर्मनिरपेक्षता: सिद्धांत एवं व्यवहार
(Secularism in India: Theory and Practice)
Anurag Pandey

8. जाति, वर्ग और पित्रसत्ता
(Caste, Class and Patriarchy)
Chanchal Kumar

9. भारतीय राजनीति और जाति
(Caste and Politics in India)
Rityusha Mani Tiwari

10.  सकारात्मक कार्यवाही की नीतियां: जाति और वर्ग
(Policies of Affirmative Action: Caste and Class)
Abhishek Nath

11. सकारात्मक कार्यवाही व महिलाएं
(Affirmative Action and Women)
Geeta Sahare

12. भारतीय लोकतांत्रिक विकासात्मक राज्य और कल्याणकारी शासन प्रणालियाँ
(Indian Democratic Developmental State and Welfare Regimes)
Neeraj Kumar and Shimpi Pandey

13. भारतीय राज्य का दमनकारी स्वरूप
(Coercive Dimension of the India State)
Chanchal Kumar

संदर्भिका (Bibliography)
अनुक्रमणिका (Index)

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