Perceptions of Language Pedagogy
N S Prabhu; Ed. Geetha Durairajan
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

This volume brings together, for the first time, N. S. Prabhu’s thoughts and ideas on language pedagogy as they have evolved over the decades. It captures different stages in an intellectual journey, from making a quiet entry into the world of ELT through an article published in a daily newspaper in 1966 to becoming one of the best-known practitioners and radical thinkers in the field. Geetha Durairajan has edited this collection taking care to draw attention to those arguments which are specially relevant to the ELT debate in India.

N. S. Prabhu has an MA in English Literature from the University of Madras and an MA as well as a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Reading, U.K. He taught English to undergraduate classes in colleges for about ten years, then spent twenty years working for the British Council giving advice and short courses to college lecturers on teaching English to undergraduate students, and then moved to the National University of Singapore to teach applied linguistics for ten years. He has also been visiting faculty at universities in Hong Kong, Japan and Brazil.
He is most widely known in the ELT profession for what is referred to as the Bangalore Project which was a five-year experiment in teaching English to children in mother-tongue medium schools through problem-solving (‘task-based’) activities, and is described in his book Second Language Pedagogy (1987).

Geetha Durairajan (Ed.) is Professor, School of English Language Education, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad.

Author’s Note 
Editor’s Note 
Publisher’s Acknowledgements 
  1. Rational Approach to English Teaching 
  2. The Teaching of English and Notions about Communication 
  3. Alternative Strategies in Educational Reform: An ELT Practitioner’s Views 
  4. Procedural Syllabuses 
  5. Communicative Teaching: “Communicative” in What Sense? 
  6. Coping with the Unknown in Language Pedagogy 
  7. Language Education: Equipping or Enabling? 
  8. A World Language in Education: Defining the Domain 
  9. Materials as Support; Materials as Constraint 
  10.  Acquisition through Comprehension: Three Procedures 
  11.  Three Models in Second Language Pedagogy 
  12.  There is no Best Method—Why? 
  13.  The Learner’s Effort in the Language Classroom 
  14.  The Dynamics of the Language Lesson 
  15.  Descriptive and Prescriptive Approaches to the Norms of English in Singapore 
  16.  English Language as a University Discipline 
  17.  Communicative Language Teaching: Three Perceptions 
  18.  The Mathetic Function of English as a World Language 
  19.  Attempting Educational Change 
  20. Teaching is at Most Hoping for the Best 
  21. Should Materials be Prescribed? 
  22. Ideation and Ideology 
  23. The Appropriation of ELT 
  24. Misapplied Linguistics 
  25. Teachers’ Growth 
  26. A Case Against Practice 
  27. Evaluation in ELT: Six Levels 
  28. Rethinking Language Pedagogy: An Interview 
  29. Plausibility 
1. Release Date : 13 Dec 2019 Venue : English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad.
2. Release Date : 27 Nov 2019 Venue : Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.
1. Review for Perceptions in OUP's prestigious ELT Journal | 21 August 2020.
2. ‘Book Review: Perceptions of Language Pedagogy’ by Robert Bellarmine, Language and Language Teaching, July 2020.
3. ‘Reflections on Language Pedagogy’ by Chintan Girish Modi, Teacher Plus, February 2020.
4. ‘Book Review: Perceptions of Language Pedagogy’ by K. P. Mohanan, RELC Journal, 28 January 2020.
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