In this vibrant collection of short fiction, editors Meenakshi Bharat and Sharon Rundle bring together a diverse group of writers from the Indian subcontinent and Australia to explore the themes of tolerance and intolerance. Their stories are compelling, urgent and thought-provoking. They trace the lives of those affected by the metaphorical and literal walls erected by society to offer a glimpse of a divided world, but one that is by no means devoid of compassion.
Dr. Meenakshi Bharat is a writer, translator, reviewer and critic. She teaches in the University of Delhi and is especially interested in cultural, postcolonial and English studies, children’s literature, women’s fiction and film studies—areas which she has extensively researched and written about. Her most recent book, Troubled Testimonies: Terrorism and the English Novel in India, came out in 2016.
Sharon Rundle is a book editor, writer and mentor. She has a deep love for the art of the short story. Her Doctorate of Creative Arts examined the production of fiction by South Asian–Australian authors published in Australia. She was awarded a UTS SMSA medal for Superior Achievement, and a UTS Alumni Award for Excellence. Her stories, essays and articles have been published in a range of anthologies, journals and magazines. Her story, ‘Room Six’, was awarded a Commonwealth Short Story Prize.
Race Multiracial Joginder Paul Letter to Marlo Bruce Pascoe The Last Game Drive Janhavi Acharekar ‘She’s Black’ Trilok Chand Ghai
Religion Bars Keki N. Daruwalla The Religion of Love Nandini C. Sen Preparing for the Riots Anu Kumar
Gender and Sexuality Closer David Malouf Henry Libby Sommer Absence Julia Mackay-Koelen
Neighbours The Skit Roanna Gonsalves Garbage Kamala Wijeratne Other People Neelum Saran Gour The People on the Bus Go Up and Down Vashti Farrer
Family The Wedding Gift Meenakshi Bharat A Parcel of Dreams Sharon Rundle Harder Than Your Husband Debra Adelaide Wednesdays and Fridays Elizabeth Jolley
Over the Brink Was Washed Ashore: Of Other Worlds Sue Parker Thamarapu’s Temple Sujata Sankranti Born to Ride Julie Simpson Pataal Times Rupleena Bose