Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. VIII, 1946–48
Ravi K. Mishra and Narendra Shukla (Editors)
158 x 253 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

The present volume is the eighth in a series of ten volumes of the Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari, being published in association with the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.

This volume covers the period from April 1946 to December 1948, detailing Rajaji’s important role in the governance of the country, first as a Cabinet Minister, then as a Governor, and eventually as the first Indian Governor-General of India and also the last Governor-General.

This was also a transformative period in the history of India because of Independence and Partition.

The volume also covers subjects such as the deep impact of the tragic loss of Mahatma Gandhi, Rajaji’s vision for independent India, his correspondence with Lord Mountbatten, and negotiations with the Nizam of Hyderabad.

Rajaji believed that the youth were the principal force in shaping the country’s future. His addresses to the students and youth of the country, including those of the universities of Madras, Nagpur, Benares and Aligarh, emphasising this, form an important part of the volume.

Ravi K. Mishra is Deputy Director, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi.

Narendra Shukla is Head, Research and Publications Division, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi.

List of Illustrations
List of Abbreviations

1. Letter to S. A. Brelvi                                                29 April 1946
2. Interview to the Associated Press of India             5 May 1946
3. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                     6 May 1946
4. Letter to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad                       10 May 1946
5. Letter to Madhuri Behn Desai                    13 May 1946
6. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                     31 May 1946
7. Madras Election Form Should be Revised:             30 June 1946
8. Advice to Countrymen                                9 July 1946
9. Tribute to Srinivasa Sastri                           12 July 1946
10. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   25 July 1946
11. Prohibition Needed for Whole Province: Article 28 July 1946
12. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   29 July 1946
13. Jinnah’s Challenge Must be Accepted:     30 July 1946
Condemnation of League’s Policy
14. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   1 August 1946
15. Province-Wide Plan Feasible: Statement 3 August 1946
16. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   14 August 1946
17. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   28 August 1946 3
18. Letter to Mohan Lal Agarwala                  13 September 1946
19. Letter to Buddhoolal Mehrotra                14 September 1946
20. Letter to Dr Rajendra Prasad                    17 September 1946
21. Speech on Industrialisation of India                     17 September 1946
22. Letter to Ramarao Krishnarao Patil                      19 September 1946
23. Letter to Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar                      19 September 1946
24. Iron and Steel Shortage: Assurance to Consumers          19 September 1946
25. Letter to M. Raschid                                 24 September 1946
26. Letter to Don Stephen Senanayake                      25 September 1946
27. Letter to George Rosario Motha              25 September 1946
28. Speech at the Oil Seeds Conference                     26 September 1946
29. Letter to John Matthai                              28 September 1946
30. Letter to Dr Rajendra Prasad                    29 September 1946
31. Letter to Mirza M. Ismail                          30 September 1946
32. Letter to Rukmini Lakshmipathi               30 September 1946
33. Letter to M. Chalapathi Rau                                 3 October 1946
34. Letter to Dr Rajendra Prasad                    4 October 1946
35. Letter to G. E. B. Abell                              7 October 1946
36. Letter to Mehar Chand Khanna                8 October 1946
37. Letter to M. G. Natesa Chettiar                9 October 1946
38. Statement to the Press                             10 October 1946
39. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                   12 October 1946
40. Letter to Dr Rajendra Prasad                    14 October 1946
41. Letter to Iven Mackay                   14 October 1946
42. Letter to Stafford Cripps               16 October 1946
43. Letter to Liaquat Ali Khan             31 October 1946
44. Letter to Sampurnanand              4 November 1946
45. Letter to R. Hercod                                   4 November 1946
46. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                       29 November 1946
47. Radio Talk Given on UNESCO       29 November 1946
48. Letter to N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar                    30 November 1946
49. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi                      3 December 1946
50. Letter to K. L. Shrimali                  31 December 1946
51. Statement on Planning for the Future and          9 January 1947
Importance of Education
52. Convocation Address: Patna University   17 January 1947
53. Statement on Temple-Entry in South India          20 January 1947
and its Significance
54. Temple-Entry for Harijans: Message        24 January 1947
55. Independence in 1948: Statement                       25 January 1947
56. Temple-Entry in South India: Appeal       26 January 1947
57. Appointment of a Committee to Define the        26 January 1947
Scope of the Union Subjects: Rajaji Explains Aim
58. Atomic Research: Warning                                   27 January 1947
59. Convocation Address: Kashi Vidyapith     28 January 1947
60. Reply in the Constituent Assembly on Indian      8 February 1947
Economy and Industry
61. Letter to Horace Gundry Alexander                     9 February 1947
62. New Laboratories for Research: Call to Scientists            9 February 1947
63. Letter to K. S. Krishnan                             21 February 1947
64. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   26 February 1947
65. Letter to Asoka Mehta                              26 February 1947
66. Temple-Entry at Conjeeveram: Message 28 February 1947
67. Shortage of Commodities: Rajaji Urges    3 March 1947
Increased Production Need for Continuing
68. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi                                  5 March 1947
69. Letter to Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar                      14 March 1947
70. Letter to Vadilal Lallubhai                                    14 March 1947
71. Letter to John Matthai                              17 March 1947
72. Telegram to O. P. Ramaswamy Reddiar   24 March 1947
73. Letter to Shamsuddin Ahmed                  12 April 1947
74. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   23 April 1947
75. India will be Great and Independent Country:     14 May 1947
Appeal for United Effort
76. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   17 May 1947
77. Letter to E. Stanley Jones                         19 May 1947
78. Letter to Liaquat Ali Khan                         21 May 1947
79. Letter to Baldev Singh                               21 May 1947
80. Letter to Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar        22 May 1947
81. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   24 May 1947
82. Letter to O. P. Ramaswamy Reddiar                    25 May 1947
83. Telegram to G. A. Natesan                                   26 May 1947
84. Letter to Krishna Kumar Birla                   27 May 1947
85. Letter to B. G. Kher                                               28 May 1947
86. Jinnah’s Claim Absurd and Fantastic:       27 May 1947
Interview to Hindustan Times
87. Letter to Liaquat Ali Khan                         2 June 1947
88. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   6 June 1947
89. Letter to Stafford Cripps                           8 June 1947
90. Letter to Sarojini Naidu                            20 June 1947
91. Letter to Mohan Sinha Mehta                  23 June 1947
92. Letter to Abbas Khaleeli                           25 June 1947
93. Letter to Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar                      25 June 1947
94. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   28 June 1947
95. Letter to Stafford Cripps                           2 July 1947
96. Letter to P. Khalifullah                              2 July 1947
97. Letter to William Philips                           5 July 1947
98. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                   24 July 1947
99. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                                 24 July 1947
100. Letter to C. H. Bhabha                            5 August 1947
101. Letter to Dr Rajendra Prasad                  6 August 1947
102. Telegram to Vallabhbhai Patel               13 August 1947
103. Oath of Allegiance and of Office                        15 August 1947
104. Letter to N. S. Vardachari                                   25 August 1947
105. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 27 August 1947
106. Letter to Dr Rajendra Prasad                  30 August 1947
107. Letter to Liaquat Ali Khan                                   31 August 1947
108. Letter to Jairamdas Doulatram              2 September 1947
109. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 4 September 1947
110. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 4 September 1947
111. Statement on Mahatma Gandhi’s Fast 4 September 1947
112. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   4 September 1947
113. Letter to Dr Rajendra Prasad                  9 September 1947
114. Letter to Kishorilal G. Mashruwalla        11 September 1947
115. Letter to Dr Rajendra Prasad                  12 September 1947
116. Letter to Dr Syed Mahmud                                 15 September 1947
117. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi                                16 September 1947
118. Letter to Sarojini Naidu                          21 September 1947
119. Letter to V. Narahari Rao                                    23 September 1947
120. Letter to Rukmini Devi Arundale                        23 September 1947
121. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 23 September 1947
122. Letter to C. V. Rajan                                23 September 1947
123. Letter to Terence Shone                                     23 September 1947
124. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 28 September 1947
125. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 1 October 1947
126. Convocation Address: Calcutta University         3 October 1947
127. Service of A. V. Raman in Public Health 14 October 1947
128. Tribute to N. C. Kelkar                            17 October 1947
129. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 18 October 1947
130. Letter to the Editor, Swatantra              18 October 1947
131. Telegram to Lord Mountbatten             28 October 1947
132. Letter to D. V. Sivarama Ross                 31 October 1947
133. Letter to H. P. Mody                               1 November 1947
134. Letter to Lal C. Verman                           3 November 1947
135. Message on the Opening of the New Home      3 November 1947
of the Harijan Industrial School
136. Letter to Dr P. Subbarayan                                 5 November 1947
137. Telegram to Lord Mountbatten             29 November 1947
138. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 1 December 1947
139. Letter to P. J. Anantharaj                                    3 December 1947
140. Letter to John Francis Ashley Erskine     3 December 1947
141. Letter to Dr P. Subbarayan                                 27 December 1947
142. Convocation Address: Jadavpur College of                    28 December 1947
Engineering and Technology
143. Weights and Measures                           [1947]
144. Annie Besant and the Revival of Religion in India          [1947]
145. Letter to Prafulla Chandra Ghosh                      3 January 1948
146. Peace and Toleration: Warning Against Loose 8 January 1948
Talk of War
147. Letter to Dr Kailas Nath Katju                 12 January 1948
148. Appeal for Communal Amity                  19 January 1948
149. Appeal to West Bengal                           23 January 1948
150. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 25 January 1948
151. Letter to O. P. Ramaswamy Reddiar      25 January 1948
152. Letter to Bidhan Chandra Roy                28 January 1948
153. Letter to L. M. Patil                                 28 January 1948
154. Letter to Nilima Mukerji                         29 January 1948
155. Letter to A. V. Raman                             30 January 1948
156. Message to South India                          31 January 1948
157. No Going Back                                        4 February 1948
158. Gandhiji Called Away by God: Speech    5 February 1948
159. Letter to A. Jenkins                                 6 February 1948
160. Letter to Pyarelal                                                6 February 1948
161. Letter to O. P. Ramaswamy Reddiar      11 February 1948
162. Letter to Devadas Gandhi                                   12 February 1948
163. Talk on the “Immersion Ceremony”       12 February 1948
164. Essence of Gandhiji’s Teachings: Homage         15 February 1948
to the Mahatma
165. Assessing Nation’s Progress: Relevance of         15 February 1948
166. Modernising of Ayurveda: Advice to the            18 February 1948
167. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 19 February 1948
168. Letter to Wali Kamal Khan                      20 February 1948
169. Letter to Chandrashankar Shukla                       22 February 1948
170. Letter to P. Sankaran                              27 February 1948
171. Letter to Madhuri Behn Desai                27 February 1948
172. Letter to Satyendra Narayan                  27 February 1948
173. Mahatmaji’s Death: Talk on All India Radio       27 February 1948
174. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 28 February 1948
175. Letter to B. Gopala Reddy                                  28 February 1948
176. Progress in Ayurveda: Advice to Practitioners   28 February 1948
177. Letter to C. V. Rajagopalachari               2 March 1948
178. Letter to Dr Rajendra Prasad                  2 March 1948
179. Letter to T. S. Avinashilingam Chettiar   3 March 1948
180. Letter to O. P. Ramaswamy Reddiar      4 March 1948
181. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 4 March 1948
182. Letter to R. S. Dhotre                              4 March 1948
183. Letter to Dr S. Radhakrishnan                6 March 1948
184. Letter to Devadas Gandhi                                   10 March 1948
185. Letter to Devadas Gandhi                                   11 March 1948
186. Letter to K. Balasubramania Ayyar                     11 March 1948
187. Letter to T. S. Avinashilingam Chettiar   14 March 1948
188. Letter to G. A. Natesan                           15 March 1948
189. Letter to Pyarelal                                                15 March 1948
190. Message to Ireland on St. Patrick’s Day 17 March 1948
191. Letter to M. Satyanarayana                    17 March 1948
192. Letter to Dr P. Subbarayan                                 18 March 1948
193. Convocation Address: Calcutta University         20 March 1948
194. Letter to Mira Behn                                22 March 1948
195. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 24 March 1948
196. Letter to Henry Usborne                                     27 March 1948
197. Letter to Kasturi Srinivasan                    27 March 1948
198. Replace Hatred by Goodwill: Exhortation          27 March 1948
199. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 28 March 1948
200. Letter to Dr P. Subbarayan                                 28 March 1948
201. Letter to Devadas Gandhi                                   29 March 1948
202. Circular Letter to the Governors of all    29 March 1948
the Provinces
203. Letter to Herbert Anderson                    29 March 1948
204. Letter to V. Shankar                                30 March 1948
205. Letter to Navaratna Rama Rao               1 April 1948
206. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 2 April 1948
207. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 2 April 1948
208. Letter to Kasturi Srinivasan                    3 April 1948
209. Letter to N. S. Vardachari                                   4 April 1948
210. Foreword to the Book: In the Service of            5 April 1948
the Nation
211. Letter to Mira Behn                                6 April 1948
212. Difficulties Will Be Overcome: Assurance          8 April 1948
213. Note by Rajaji                                         9 April 1948
214. Letter to A. V. Raman                             9 April 1948
215. Letter to V. Venkateswara Sastrulu                    12 April 1948
216. Letter to T. S. Avinashilingam Chettiar   13 April 1948
217. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 15 April 1948
218. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 15 April 1948
219. Letter to C. R. Srinivasa Iyengar              16 April 1948
220. Letter to Archibald Nye                          16 April 1948
221. India’s National Anthem                                     16 April 1948
222. Letter to A. V. Raman                             16 April 1948
223. Letter to Henry Usborne                                     17 April 1948
224. Memorial to Mahatma Gandhi              18 April 1948
225. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 18 April 1948
226. Letter to Dr S. Radhakrishnan                19 April 1948
227. Letter to Pyarelal                                                20 April 1948
228. Letter to Pyarelal                                                21 April 1948
229. Letter to O. P. Ramaswamy Reddiar      21 April 1948
230. Letter to Tej Bahadur Sapru                   22 April 1948
231. Letter to C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar                        23 April 1948
232. Letter to Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar      26 April 1948
233. Letter to A. V. Raman                             26 April 1948
234. Letter to R. Narasimhan                         26 April 1948
235. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 29 April 1948
236. Message on Gandhiji                              April 1948
237. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   3 May 1948
238. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   3 May 1948
239. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 3 May 1948
240. Letter to Navaratna Rama Rao               3 May 1948
241. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 4 May 1948
242. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 4 May 1948
243. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 5 May 1948
244. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 5 May 1948
245. Reply to M. A. Jinnah                              6 May 1948
246. Letter to Lord Linlithgow                                    6 May 1948
247. Letter to Tej Bahadur Sapru                   6 May 1948
248. Letter to Tiger Varadachariar                 8 May 1948
249. Letter to Arcot Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar                   8 May 1948
250. Telegram to Jawaharlal Nehru               12 May 1948
251. Letter to Edwina Mountbatten              16 May 1948
252. Letter to Badruddin Faiz Tyabji              17 May 1948
253. Letter to H. S. Suhrawardy                                 17 May 1948
254. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 18 May 1948
255. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   18 May 1948
256. Letter to Edwina Mountbatten              20 May 1948
257. Letter to K. P. S. Menon                          22 May 1948
258. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 22 May 1948
259. Indo-Nepal Relations: Urges Closer Contacts     25 May 1948
260. Fostering Unity in India: Advice              27 May 1948
261. Letter to Dr Rajendra Prasad                  28 May 1948
262. Follow Gandhiji’s Ideals: Appeal to Bengalees   1 June 1948
263. Letter to S. Ramanathan                                    1 June 1948
264. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   6 June 1948
265. Letter to L. J. Goddard                            7 June 1948
266. Letter to T. S. Avinashilingam Chettiar   7 June 1948
267. Letter to Edwina Mountbatten              7 June 1948
268. Advice to the Countrymen on Indo-British        8 June 1948
269. Letter to Sardul Singh Caveeshar                       9 June 1948
270. Role of Governors in Free India:                         9 June 1948
Advice to Services
271. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 11 June 1948
272. Women’s Role in Free India: Advice       12 June 1948
273. Advice on the Future of Municipal                     13 June 1948
274. Advice on Relief to Riot Victims             14 June 1948
275. Follow Gandhiji’s Principles: Appeal      14 June 1948
276. Hyderabad Problem: Appeal to Countrymen    16 June 1948
277. Indo-Pakistan Relations: Appeal to Build up      18 June 198
Frontiers of Co-operation
278. Appeal for Communal Unity in Bengal   18 June 1948
279. Letter to Madhuri Behn Desai                18 June 1948
280. Farewell Broadcast                                 19 June 1948
281. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   21 June 1948
282. Speech Delivered After the Swearing-In            21 June 1948
283. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   23 June 1948
284. Letter to Clement Richard Attlee                       23 June 1948
285. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 3 July 1948
286. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   4 July 1948
287. Advice to Indians in Ceylon                    7 July 1948
288. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   8 July 1948
289. Speech on Communal Amity                  11 July 1948
290. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   15 July 1948
291. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   16 July 1948
292. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   17 July 1948
293. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   21 July 1948
294. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   31 July 1948
295. Letter to Clement Richard Attlee                       31 July 1948
296. Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru                                 6 August 1948
297. States in the New Set-up: Lapse of Paramountcy          21 August 1948
298. Speech at Madras                                               23 August 1948
299. Convocation Address: Madras University          24 August 1948
300. Co-operate with the Government: Appeal        25 August 1948
and Farewell Message to Madras
301. Journalism as an Art: Advice to Pressmen         26 August 1948
302. Advice to Students on the Importance 26 August 1948
of Character
303. Letter to the Nizam of Hyderabad                     31 August 1948
304. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   8 September 1948
305. Speech on the Need for Communal Harmony   10 September 1948
306. Muslims Support India’s Policy: Reply to           12 September 1948
the Nizam
307. Tribute to Late Mr Jinnah                                   15 September 1948
308. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   16 September 1948
309. Letter to Lord Mountbatten                   17 September 1948
310. En Clair Telegram to the Nizam of Hyderabad   18 September 1948
311. Thanksgiving Day: Successful Conclusion of      26 September 1948
Operations in Hyderabad
312. Follow the Ideals of Gandhiji: Appeal to            30 September 1948
the Nation
313. Message to the Ministers for Prohibition          2 October 1948
314. India’s High Destiny: Speech                  6 October 1948
315. Instruction in Schools: Choice of Medium         9 October 1948
Compulsion Not Desirable
316. Address to the Military Academy                       9 October 1948
317. Assurance for Equal Treatment to All Religions             14 October 1948
318. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 16 October 1948
319. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 19 October 1948
320. Eschew Hatred: Advice to Students       21 October 1948
321. Statement on the National Outlook and            23 October 1948
Achievements of the Gaekwar Dynasty
322. Appeal to the Princes to Help the Popular         25 October 1948
323. Instruments of Popular Joy: Dipavali Message 28 October 1948
324. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 29 October 1948
325. Revival of Art: Exhortation                     6 November 1948
326. Promotion of Harmony: Address to Rotarians   11 November 1948
327. An Instrument of Progress: Role of Religion      13 November 1948
328. Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel                                 15 November 1948
329. Tribute to the Fortitude of Punjabis       17 November 1948
330. Advice to Students                                  17 November 1948
331. Letter to Khasa Subba Rau                                 20 November 1948
332. Speech at Banaras Hindu University      2 December 1948
333. Interview to the Associated Press of India         8 December 1948
334. Convocation Address: Aligarh Muslim University          15 December 1948
335. Speech at Aligarh University Students’ Union   15 December 1948


Appendix I
1. Resolution on Setting up of the Union Power
Committee      25 January 1947

Appendix II
1. Joint Letter to Archibald Percival Wavell   5 February 1947

Appendix III: Reference Items
1. Text of Resolution                          26 January 1947
2. Nobel Peace Prize for Gandhiji       27 February 1947
3. Cloth Control                                  [1947]
4. Letter from M. Subbaraya Aiyar     17 May 1947
5. Cloth and Yarn Control                   [1947]
6. Letter from the Chief Justice, Calcutta 3 September 1947
High Court
7. Letter from Jawaharlal Nehru        30 March 1948
8. Letter from K. Venkataraman         2 April 1948
9. Message by Rajaji                           11 April 1948
10. Letter from P. S. Mathur               28 April 1948

Appendix IV: Miscellaneous Items
1. Constitution of Ad Hoc Committee on the             23 June 1947
National Flag
2. Minutes of the First Meeting of the Ad Hoc           10 July 1947
Committee on the National Flag

Chronology (April 1946–December 1948)

1. Book Excerpt | Published in the Governance Now, 2 October 2023.
2. Book excerpt | Published in the Governance Now, 14 August 2023.
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