Pracheen Bharat: Pragaitihasik Kal Se 300 Isvi Tak
Om Prakash Singh
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Orient BlackSwan

History is a chronological account of all aspects of human life and society. It discusses the social, political, and economic effects of change over a period of time. This book presents an account of Indian history from prehistoric times to 300 AD. The book covers Stone Age, Harappan Civilization, Chalcolithic, Vedic period, Megalithic, Post-Vedic period, Mahajanapada, Sangam period, Mauryan period and Post-Mauryan period, and discusses state and administration, justice system, political system, economy, society, religion, agriculture, trade and status of women. Apart from this, the rise of Magadha, Buddhism and Jainism, life and teachings of Buddha and Mahavira, Ashoka's Dhamma, art and architecture, Sangam literature, craftsmanship and category, and Post-Mauryan art have also been discussed.

Pracheen Bharat : Pragaitihasik Kal Se 300 Isvi Tak has been written for BA first year students of History as per the New Education Policy (NEP 2020) and the latest syllabus of Delhi University. This will also be useful for the UPSC Mains General Studies paper I.

All the events, facts and ideas related to the subject have been presented in an easy-to-understand style. The book also has 9 maps and 21 illustrations to aid understanding.

Om Prakash Singh is Professor of History at Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, University of Delhi. Research on history has been his subject of study. His published works include: The Archaeology of Iron and Social Change in Early South India, numerous research papers and book reviews. This is his first book written as per the syllabus. He is working on the second volume of this textbook.

मानचित्र सूची List of Maps

चित्र सूची List of Images

आभार Image Credit

प्राक्कथन Foreword

भौगोलिक परिप्रेक्ष्य Geographical Perspective

  1. प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास के स्रोत Sources for Interpreting Early Indian History
  2. प्रागैतिहासिक संस्कृतियाँ Prehistoric Cultures
  3. हड़प्पा सभ्यता Harappan Civilization
  4. वैदिक काल Vedic Age
  5. वैदिकोत्तर काल Post-Vedic Period
  6. मौर्य काल Mauryan Period
  7. आरंभिक तमिलकम Early Tamilkam (sangam literature)
  8. मौर्योत्तर काल सातवाहन एवं कुषाण Post-Mauryan Period — Satvahanas and Kushanas

संदर्भ ग्रंथ सूची Bibliography

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