Understanding Corruption: Traditional and Legal Rational Norms
Mason Hoadley and Neelambar Hatti
140 x 216 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Social Science Press

Neelambar Hatti and Mason Hoadley the editors of this volume, have brought together scholars specializing in different parts of the world to give us a comparative understanding of the persistence of corruption in some societies. The reader is privileged to learn from the many global variations that are skilfully presented for further analyses. Corruption is a salient feature of human condition in any organized society. Further, where risks are low and the returns high, corruption is almost inevitable. Apart from this, traditional public behaviour comes precariously close to what in the West might amount to corrupt practices. Bureaucratic corruption should be understood in the light of a clash of morality on the one hand and legality on the other. There is a contradiction between traditional values, which are held in respect and are a part of everyday life of a people, and norms of the larger society which stand out as compelling forces. The idea of the modern division between the public and private office is alien to a traditional culture and corruption finds space when this division is not strictly observed. Seven essays in this volume cover a range of countries which include India, South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Indonesia. As the essays unfold themselves, the problem of corruption takes on an added dimension, that of a legacy left behind by colonialism.

Mason C. Hoadley is Professor Emeritus in Southeast Asian History andIndonesian at the School of Language and Literature, Lund University.Among his publications are Towards a Feudal Mode of Production. WestJava 1680–1800 (1994); The Archive of Yogyakarta, vol. II Documents relatingto Economic and Agrarian Affairs (editor with Peter Carey, 2000); IslamdalamTradisi Hukum Java & Hukum Kolonial(2009); and The Javanese Wayof Law. Early-Modern Sloka Phenomena (2019), as well as a series of articleson corruption in India and Indonesia with Professor Neelambar Hatti.

Neelambar Hatti is Professor Emeritus at School of Economics andManagement, Lund University. His research interests include genderissues, institutions and economic growth, trade, decentralization,poverty, and corruption. Among his recent publications are Poverty,Politics and the Poverty of Politics (2018), jointly edited with Dr DanielRauhut, as well as four studies (co-authored with Professor Tandon andProfessor Hariharan), Control of Resources (2017), Globalization Syndrome(2017), Third World Perspectives on Technology (2018), Trade Policy for theThird World (2019), and International Monetary Interdependency in the 20thCentury (2019).

Contributors || Preface || Acknowledgements ||

1. Introduction
Mason C. Hoadley and Neelambar Hatti

2. Duality of Corrupt Behaviour. Traditional norms versus Weberian forms

Mason C. Hoadley &Neelambar Hatti
Weberian model
Characteristics of Modern Bureaucracy
‘Political arena’ expectations
Third World Corruption
An approach to corruption
Enforcement and political will
Limits to Corruption?

3. Fish Rots from the Head: Duality of Corrupt Behaviour in South Africa (2009–18)

Corruption in Weberian and Traditional Norms
‘State Capture’ and Cadre Deployment between 2009 and 2018
Multinational Corporations and Corruption
State Capture and its Impact on Employment and Food Security
Conclusion and Recommendations

4. The Clash of Morality and Legality: Interrogating Bureaucratic Corruption
in Nigeria
OgundiyaIlufoyeSarafa and JimohAmzat
Bureaucratic Corruption: A Conceptual and Theoretical Exploration
Bureaucratic Corruption in Context
Bureaucratic Corruption and Its Aftermath
Clean-Up Strategies and Anti-graft Policies

5. Public-Private Sector Corruption in Zimbabwe during the First Republic,
Mark Nyandoro
Max Weber on Political or Bureaucratic Corruption
(Weberian model)
‘Political arena’ expectations
Corruption: Anthropological Theory of de George and Encounters between African and
Non-African Cultures
Corruption in Africa and Public-Private Sleaze in Zimbabwe during the First Republic

6. Corruption Eradication Efforts and its Actors’ Resistance in the Era of Reformationof Indonesia

Leo Agustino
Anti-Corruption Institutions in Indonesia: from BAPEKAN to KPK
The Roots of Corruption in Indonesia: From Integrity Issues to High Cost Politics
The Role of KPK in Efforts to Eradicate Corruption
Resistance to the Corruption Eradication Commission

7. Enactment and Enforcement of Anti-Corruption in India

Firoz Khan & Ramaswamy Sudarshan
Anti-Corruption under British Rule in India
Origin of the Delhi Special Police Establishment
Post-Independence Anti-Corruption Developments
The Central Vigilance Commission
The Central Bureau of Investigation
Anti-Corruption Legislation
Offences and Penalties under the PCA (1988)
Other anti-corruption laws that are in force in India include
A Critical Appraisal of India’s Anti-Corruption Laws
Appraisal of the CVC and CBI Performance
The Lokpal and Lokayuta Act 2013: A Saga of Several Decades
The Little Done and Vast Undone

8. Conclusion


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