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This self-contained classic textbook on the subject of mine disasters and mine rescue draws on the author's nearly thirty years of teaching and research experience and his abiding interest in mine safety for the benefit of mining engineering students. It provides a comprehensive view of the hazards constantly posed by fires, explosions, coal and gas outbursts and inundations in mines and the various rescue equipment in use, including the recent ones. Combating the problem of acid mine drainage and the use of explosibility diagrams, including USBM, for predicting flammability of firegases are some of the significant additions to the third edition.
Besides mining engineering students, this book will also be of great value to practising mining engineers, safety enforcement agencies, and rescue organisations.
M A Ramlu was Head, Department of Mining Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur for nearly twenty years. He was also Dean of Sponsored Research and Consultancy and Deputy Director and Acting Director of the same institute, from which he retired in 1987. He pioneered postgraduate courses, mining research and continuing education programmes at mining departments in the country. He had been a member of the Development of Mineral Resources & Technology Upgradation Fund of the Government of Andhra Pradesh and a member of the Technical Committee, AP Pollution Control Board, Government of Andhra Pradesh. His main interests are in the area of spontaneous combustion of coal, explosibility of coal dust, mine rescue apparatus and coal mine planning and mechanization.
Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition 1 Mine Fires 1.1 Underground Fires 1.2 Surface Fires in Coalfields 1.3 Fires in Underground Sulphide Ore Mines
2 Mine Explosions 2.1 Firedamp Explosions 2.2 Coal-dust Explosions 2.3 Investigation of Mine Explosions 2.4 Sulphide-ore-dust Explosions
3 Mine Gases 3.1 Threshold Limit Value (TLV) 3.2 Oxygen (O2) 3.3 Nitrogen (N2) 3.4 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 3.5 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 3.6 Hydrogen Sulphide or Sulphuretted Hydrogen (H2S) 3.7 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 3.8 Nitrous Fumes (Oxides of Nitrogen) (NOx) 3.9 Hydrogen (H2) 3.10 Methane (CH4) 3.11 Radon 3.12 Gas Mixtures and Smoke 3.13 Gas Analyzers 3.14 Mine Environmental Monitoring and Control
4 Outbursts of Coal and Gas 4.1 Causes of Outbursts of Coal and Gas 4.2 Prevention of Outbursts of Coal and Gas
5 Sampling of Mine Atmospheres and Interpretation of their Analysis 5.1 Sampling of Mine Atmospheres 5.2 Allied Measurements 5.3 Interpretation of Analyses of Mine Atmospheres
6 Reopening of Sealed-off Areas in Mines 6.1 Considerations when Reopening a Sealed-off Area 6.2 Preparatory Measures for Reopening 6.3 Methods of Reopening
7 Mine Rescue 7.1 Human Respiratory System 7.2 Mine Rescue Apparatus 7.3 Resuscitation or Artificial Ventilation 7.4 Inhalators or Oxygen Reviving Apparatus 7.5 Rescue Organization
8 Water Inundations 8.1 Causes of Inundations in Mines 8.2 Measures against Inundations 8.3 Waterlogged Workings or Water Pools in Mines 8.4 Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)
APPENDIX 1: Coalmines Regulations APPENDIX 2: Mines Rescue Rules References Index