Cultural Studies 1983: A Theoretical History
Stuart Hall and Jennifer Daryl Slack and Lawrence Grossberg (Eds)
158 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
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Orient BlackSwan

Cultural Studies 1983 is a testament to Stuart Hall's contributions to progressive thought and politics. The eight foundational lectures that Hall delivered at the University of Illinois in 1983 introduced a broad range of audiences to a thinker and a discipline that changed the course of critical scholarship and of political imagination and strategy.

Unavailable until now, these lectures clearly lay out Hall's original engagement with the theoretical positions that led to the formation of Cultural Studies. While presenting the intellectual background of the discipline of Cultural Studies, Hall discusses the works of Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams, and E. P. Thompson; the influence of structuralism; the limitations and possibilities of Marxist theory; the importance of Althusser, and the radical possibilities opened up by Gramsci.

These lectures also highlight the connection between Hall’s academic work and his political strategizing. As a founding member of the original English New Left, and the founding editor of New Left Review, Hall helped to reshape and reorient our understanding of progressive politics in the modern world.

This book will be invaluable to scholars and students in the disciplines of critical race studies, cultural studies, postcolonial studies, literary studies, gender studies, political science, and sociology.

Stuart Hall (1932–2014) was one of the most prominent and influential scholars and public intellectuals of his generation. He was a prolific essayist and speaker and a public voice for critical intelligence and social justice who appeared widely on British television and radio. He taught at the University of Birmingham and the Open University, and served as the director of Birmingham’s Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies during its most creative and influential decade. He was a great defender of minority voices in the visual arts and, at the end of his career, helped to found a gallery devoted to such work, Rivington Place.

Jennifer Daryl Slack is Professor of Communication and Cultural Studies at Michigan Technological University. 

Lawrence Grossberg is Morris David Distinguished Professor of Communication and Cultural Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Editors’ Introduction
Lawrence Grossberg and Jennifer Daryl Slack

Preface to the Lectures by Stuart Hall, 1988

Lecture 1 The Formation of Cultural Studies

Lecture 2 Culturalism

Lecture 3 Structuralism

Lecture 4 Rethinking the Base and Superstructure

Lecture 5 Marxist Structuralism

 Lecture 6 Ideology and Ideological Strug gle

 Lecture 7 Domination and Hegemony

 Lecture 8 Culture, Resistance, and Struggle


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