Engineering Mechanics
P C Dumir, S Sengupta and Srinivas V Veeravalli
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

This introductory undergraduate engineering textbook on mechanics has been developed by the authors based on their experience of teaching the subject at IIT Delhi for over three decades. Students of physics and mathematics too will find the clear, concise and rigorous treatment of classical mechanics useful.

The subject has been developed in the spirit of modern continuum mechanics, as the classical model is physically valid only for systems of finite size. The logical sequence of kinematics, axioms, dynamics and statics has been followed, and statics treated as a special case of dynamics. Concepts are rigorously defined for the general case, prior to presenting their specific forms for particular cases. This approach helps in developing abstract thinking and avoiding ambiguities. A large number of examples that mimic real-life engineering systems have been included to illustrate the underlying principles and a systematic approach to solving problems.

Salient features

  • Follows the approach of the general to the particular to avoid misconceptions arising from dealing with particular cases first. Further, concepts do not have to be learnt twice or thrice over (e.g., 1D, 2D and 3D).
  • Primitives, defined entities, axioms and derived results are clearly differentiated. Simplification and modelling of physical systems has been highlighted and brought to the forefront.
  • Includes a chapter on variational mechanics to introduce students to this powerful method.
  • Clear and explanatory diagrams have been extensively used for reinforcing concepts and development of theory.
  • Includes a large number of solved examples for illustrating the underlying principles, the application of governing equations, and the process of breaking down complex engineering problems for analysis.
  • The rich collection of exercises comprising concept review questions and practice problems of varied kinds enable complex problem-solving capability and deep-rooted learning.

P. C. Dumir has taught for nearly 35 years at IIT Delhi, where he was Professor in Applied Mechanics Department for 15 years. His area of interest is elastic and hybrid piezoelectric beams, plates and shells. He has about 100 research publications to his credit, besides which he has developed instruction material for the foundation course of engineering mechanics, introductory mechanics of solids and advanced mechanics of solids.

S. Sengupta has worked in the academic field as well as industry. He worked in the Engineering and Technology Development Division of Engineer’s India Ltd (EIL) for 21 years, managing the development of appropriate technology for various projects, especially involving plates, shells, cryogenic structures and off-shore structures. He also worked in the Applied Mechanics Department of IIT Delhi for 16 years, including two years as Visiting Professor after retirement from EIL.

Srinivas V. Veeravalli has been a faculty member of the Applied Mechanics Department of IIT Delhi for nearly three decades, where he teaches various courses on mechanics, fluid mechanics and experimental methods. His area of research includes investigation of free- and wall-bounded turbulent flows, stability of fully developed turbulent flows, design method and sustainable engineering solutions.

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