Objective Biology for NEET, Volume 2
Board of Editors
216 x 280 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

This book provides all the knowledge, practice and coaching that students need to crack the NEET exam. Volume 2 deals with the topics covered in Class 12, comprising reproduction in organisms; sexual reproduction in flowering plants; human reproduction; reproductive health; principles of inheritance and variation; molecular basis of inheritance; evolution; human health and diseases; strategies for enhancement in food production; microbes in human welfare; biotechnology – principles, processes and applications; organism and population; ecosystem; biodiversity and conservation; and environmental issues.

Salient features:

  • Comprehensive compilation of objective questions from previous years’ NEET papers
  • Exercises comprise multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, match the following and diagram-oriented questions
  • Indispensable compendium enables students to prepare with efficiency and accuracy
  • One-stop knowledge and practice treasure-trove for students that will help them to hone their time management skills and create a unique strategic approach for the exam
  • The Android app accompanying the book contains practice problems, mock tests, solved NEET question papers from 2020 onwards and solutions to NCERT Exemplar and practice questions
Board of Editors


Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms

Asexual Reproduction | Introduction, Lifespan, Basic Features of Reproduction | Sexual Reproduction (Phases in Life Cycle, Events in Sexual Reproduction, Pre-fertilisation Events, Gametogenesis and Gamete Transfer) | Fertilisation, Post-fertilisation Events, Zygote, Embryogenesis

Chapter 2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Flower, Pre-fertilisation Structure and Events, Stamen, Microsporangium and Pollen Grain | Pistil, Megasporangium (Ovule) and Embryo Sac | Pollination and Outbreeding Devices | Pollen–Pistil Interaction, Double Fertilisation | Post-fertilisation Structure and Events, Endosperm, Embryo, Fruit and Seeds | Apomixis and Polyembryony

Chapter 3: Human Reproduction

Male Reproductive System | Female Reproductive System | Gametogenesis | Menstrual Cycle | Fertilisation and Implantation | Pregnancy and Embryonic Development | Parturition and Lactation

Chapter 4: Reproductive Health

Human Population Growth, Methods of Birth Control, Medical Termination of Pregnancy | Sexually Transmitted Infections, Infertility

Chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Introduction, Inheritance of One Gene, Mendel’s Law of Inheritance – Dominance, Segregation | Explanation of Concept of Dominance, Incomplete and Codominance, Multiple Alleles, Pleiotropy, Test Cross, Lethal Gene, Inheritance of Two Genes, Law of Independent Assortment | Complementary Genes, Duplicate Genes, Epistasis, Polygenic Inheritance | Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance, Linkage, Recombination, Sex Determination | Gene Mutation, Chromosomal Aberration, Genomatic Mutation, Pedigree Analysis, Genetic Disorders, Mendelian and Chromosomal Disorders, Cytoplasmic Inheritance

Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance

DNA, Structure of Polynucleotide Chain, Packaging of DNA Helix | The Search for Genetic Material (Transforming Principle, The Genetic Material is DNA, Properties of Genetic Material, RNA World) | Replication (The Experimental Proof, The Machinery and the Enzyme) | Transcription (Transcription Unit and the Gene, Types of RNA, The Process of Transcription) | Genetic Code (Mutations and Genetic Code, t-RNA, The Adapter Molecule) | Translation | Regulation of Gene Expression, The Lac Operon | Human Genome Project (HGP) | DNA Fingerprinting

Chapter 7: Evolution

Origin of Life | Evidence of Evolution, Theories of Evolution | Population Genetics, Hardy–Weinberg Principle | Origin and Evolution of Humans

Chapter 8: Human Health and Diseases

Common Diseases in Humans | Immunity | AIDS, Cancer, Drugs and Alcohol Abuse

Chapter 9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Plant Breeding | Plant Breeding for Disease Resistance, for Developing Resistance to Insects and Pests and for Improved Food Quality, Biofortification | Single-cell Protein, Tissue Culture, Green Manure, Energy Crops, Petroleum Plants | Animal Husbandry

Chapter 10: Microbes in Human Welfare

Introduction, Microbes in Household Products, Microbes in Industrial Products (Fermented Beverages, Antibiotics, Chemical Enzymes and Other Bioactive Molecules) | Microbes in Sewage Treatment, Microbes in Production of Biogas | Microbes as Biocontrol Agents, Microbes as Biofertiliser

Chapter 11: Biotechnology – Principles and Processes

Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology | Processes of Recombinant DNA Technology

Chapter 12: Biotechnology and its Applications

Biotechnical Applications in Agriculture | Biotechnological Applications in Medicine | Transgenic Animals | Ethical Issues

Chapter 13: Organism and Population

Introduction, Organism and its Environment, Major Abiotic Factors: Temperature, Water, Light, Soil, Responses to Abiotic Factors, Adaptations | Populations, Population Growth, Growth Models, Exponential Growth, Logistic Growth, Life History Variation | Population Interactions, Competition, Parasitism, Commensalism, Mutualism

Chapter 14: Ecosystem

Introduction, Structure and Function, Productivity, Decomposition | Energy Flow, Ecological Pyramids | Ecological Succession, Nutrient Cycling, Ecosystem Services

Chapter 15: Biodiversity and Conservation
Biodiversity (How Many Species Are There on Earth and How Many in India, Pattern of Biodiversity, Latitudinal Gradient, Species–Area Relationship) | Importance of Species (Diversity in the Ecosystem, Loss of Biodiversity, Conservation of Biodiversity)

Chapter 16: Environmental Issues

Air Pollution and its Control, Controlling Vehicular Air Pollution – A Case Study of Delhi | Water Pollution and its Control, Domestic Sewage, Industrial Effluents, Eutrophication, Case Study of Integrated Waste Water Treatment | Solid Waste, Case Study of Remedy for Plastic Waste, Agrochemicals and their Effects, Case Study of Organic Farming, Radioactive Waste | Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming, Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere, Degradation by Improper Resource Utilisation and Maintenance, Deforestation, Case Study of People Participation in Conservation of Forests

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